Obviously I was a little afraid of looking stupid. Both the JV and Varsity teams are pretty good (definitely better than my team), but I took the chance. I really could use the extra running to help me get ready for track. I managed to do fine. In fact T (the out of breath guy from before) was heard to remark to D (a guy I was guarding man to man) as he came down to the base line in between plays, "Dude, you were getting owned!" D only muttered (well..actually whispered because he had lost his voice) something under his breath. Probably he didn't expect me to cover him that tight. ;-) The only time I looked somewhat ridiculous was when I slammed into Emily during suicides. I did fall down, but I finished the suicide before some of the boys (who aren't actually all that slow and whose names I won't mention). I was pretty happy with myself.
Anyway, I think I've praised myself enough for one night.
Did I mention that I'm already sore? And that I'm starting to lose my voice from gasping for breath while running? I told you I needed the exercise! I sat down on the couch tonight and my left leg started to cramp up, so I got up, stretched it and sat back down. I had to repeat this

I'm going to go next week though. What with my basketball practice on Mondays, Track on Thursdays, dancing in drama (I'm Zaneeta in the music man) and boys' practice on Fridays, Basketball games on Saturdays and mandatory running (for track) every day..I should be in pretty good shape by the first tack meet. Hopefully. I probably won't actually get to do everything I just listed, but I'd like to.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go massage my shin splints.
Now you know how I feel everyday.
Yeah right. Daddy's the one that gets shin splints. You'll never know the pain I've experienced. ;-)
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