Monday, February 4, 2008

It's true

I found this online while searching under 'dork' in Google images. Hmm...What does that say about me?


Annika said...

LOL, reminds me of all children whose Moms, blog about them.

Elie said...

I know. I thought it was pretty funny. ;-)

Diane said...

But I never give away the real dirt.

Elie said...

No, but you've had to wipe up the mud in editing a few times.

Sylvia said...

rofl!! That's great. Sorry I haven't been staying in touch very life has pretty much been hijacked by my college english class.

Oh, I saw some pictures of you on Sarah Denen's facebook...I guess you know her? We used to be members of PEACH together. Anyways, I thought that was kinda cool.

ttyl! ~Sylvia

Elie said...

Oh, that's ok. I know the feeling..sort of..although, my classes are high school level. ;-)

Sarah is in my drama group, but I don't know her too well. She used to bring her camera to drama and I ended up in some pictures. I'll have to check and see which ones.


Emily of the North said...

Haha... That's so funny!! But my mom doesn't blog, so the only ones I have to worry about are my sisters..... >.>