We just bought 54 acres! Ok, not quite. We're not closing until the beginning of March, but it's pretty much settled. Actually, this is kind of old news. I don't know why I haven't said anything about it..maybe because I don't know what I think about the idea. It's about half an hour away, and that's far for me. Right now it takes 20min max to get to places, but 30min! And that's a minimum! But, my mom said I could still play basketball, and she said that if I end up taking classes at Dominion (Have I told you about Dominion? It's the school I play b-ball and do track for. I could possibly go there for a few classes next year.) that I could probably get into carpools with people in Xenia. Also, we can't move there for a while because uhh..the only house on the property is completely collapsed. So, we're going to build my parent's dream house..and then my aunt and uncle's house. (Yeah, I haven't mentioned that they're going to live on the property with us. You figure that with 54 acres there's going to be enough room for both families...even if we didn't get along..which we do.) Then, of course, there's the barn..and..all that. Yes, we're going to have a barn..eventually, but I probably won't even live there by the time we have that. AND! The best part (although it adds a lot of extra expenses and time to the whole thing)is the creek! I haven't actually seen the property yet, but from the pictures the creek is a decent size..for a creek. Nothing spectacular, but more than stagnant water that trickles and completely dries in the summer. I've heard it does go down to a trickle in the summer though.
These pictures aren't the best (especially because it's winter and everything's brown) but I haven't had a chance to take my own yet..because I'm the only one in our family who hasn't seen the place yet. (well....beside Chaser and Kerplunk)
Part of our very long driveway..

Just big open space (note the rolling hillishness)
See! Uncle Brian will be in huner's paradise!

I think this is either the beginning of the driveway or just the beginning of the part on our property.
This is why we're building our own house....

AND...the best part! The creek! See, it's a pretty good size, but the bridge is WAY too old, so we'll be replacing it with something else. (not sure if it will be a bridge or a culvert)

You sholud but up a zip-line across the river, it would be so fun, especially in Summer. Because you could jump into the stream mid swing.
And you sholud get planks and make your own bridge, it would be so cool.
Yeah, a zip-line would be cool!
And I can just see us falling in while trying to make it across wobbly planks, but we'll probably try it anyway. You'll HAVE to come visit us there in the summer sometime. We can go exploring or something.
Yeah!!!!! that would be totally sweet, I just have to save up my Money, or wait till can dive...nah, I'll just save up.
Can I hunting??
Oh and for the bridge, you just to long planks across, nail smaller planks sideways across those, stick wooden pegs into the water then tie it all together. That's who the vikings did it.
Well, no. You can just wait until Trip is driving. It can't be too long. Then you can make him drive you down.
I think you can go hunting, but we don't have a gun, so you'll have to bring your own. I don't know anything about hunting.
Yeah, the bridge sounds a lot easier than I bet it is to make. Maybe you can help me. ;-)
Ooooh, the property looks gorgeous!! Mrs. H said that you guys were thinking of buying property together. 54 acres. phew.
Maaaaaannn...our dinky little creak doesn't even compare!!
Oh man Elena, that is awesome! It's beautiful! I've always wanted to live in a place like that, it'd be so cool just to run around and explore!!
So Tala, when you get Trip to drive you there, take a detour up north and pick me up too!!! ;-)
Yeah, you can all come down for like a month in the summer...but I'll end up making you stay for 2. ;-) Trip can build the zipline while the rest of us run all over the place and explore. With 54 acres I think we'll be free from the eyes of neighbors that would likely think we're insane..which, of course, we are. :-D
He'll have to be 18 before he can drive out of state :(
Shoot...well, maybe you can get Libby to bring you. ;-)
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