We've been enjoying our 'big winter storm' of the year. First we had snow..then more snow...and more. Then it rained. Then we had ice. Now we have: melting ice+ melting snow=slush. Here are some pictures.

Jacinta after playing in the snow

A snow day

The great meltdown begins

The ice on our bushes in the back

The lone ice bush

Chaser is tired from playing outside

Snow clothes have taken over the sunroom

Luke's Custom Igloo's

The flooring of our igloo

Jacinta poses for a Luke Custom Igloo Ad

LCI ad #2

Choo choo and a neighbor kid demonstrating the size of the igloo
Brrrr. I'm cold, just reading about it.
But you didn't mention the great sledding adventure!
Oh yes. I forgot. We went sledding and bought 4 new sleds. We now have 7 sleds!!!! It was fun, but the snow wasn't the best for sledding. ;-) That's the "Great Sledding Adventure".
It sounded a bit more exciting when Qiu Qiu told it. :)
Too bad she doesn't blog.
That igloo is awesome.
Thanks! I think it's the best one I've ever made, but it was smashed by my adorable (grr) sisters about 30min after the pics were taken. ;-)
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