We've been enjoying our 'big winter storm' of the year. First we had snow..then more snow...and more. Then it rained. Then we had ice. Now we have: melting ice+ melting snow=slush. Here are some pictures.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
We just bought 54 acres! Ok, not quite. We're not closing until the beginning of March, but it's pretty much settled. Actually, this is kind of old news. I don't know why I haven't said anything about it..maybe because I don't know what I think about the idea. It's about half an hour away, and that's far for me. Right now it takes 20min max to get to places, but 30min! And that's a minimum! But, my mom said I could still play basketball, and she said that if I end up taking classes at Dominion (Have I told you about Dominion? It's the school I play b-ball and do track for. I could possibly go there for a few classes next year.) that I could probably get into carpools with people in Xenia. Also, we can't move there for a while because uhh..the only house on the property is completely collapsed. So, we're going to build my parent's dream house..and then my aunt and uncle's house. (Yeah, I haven't mentioned that they're going to live on the property with us. You figure that with 54 acres there's going to be enough room for both families...even if we didn't get along..which we do.) Then, of course, there's the barn..and..all that. Yes, we're going to have a barn..eventually, but I probably won't even live there by the time we have that. AND! The best part (although it adds a lot of extra expenses and time to the whole thing)is the creek! I haven't actually seen the property yet, but from the pictures the creek is a decent size..for a creek. Nothing spectacular, but more than stagnant water that trickles and completely dries in the summer. I've heard it does go down to a trickle in the summer though.
These pictures aren't the best (especially because it's winter and everything's brown) but I haven't had a chance to take my own yet..because I'm the only one in our family who hasn't seen the place yet. (well....beside Chaser and Kerplunk)
Part of our very long driveway..

Just big open space (note the rolling hillishness)

These pictures aren't the best (especially because it's winter and everything's brown) but I haven't had a chance to take my own yet..because I'm the only one in our family who hasn't seen the place yet. (well....beside Chaser and Kerplunk)
Part of our very long driveway..

Just big open space (note the rolling hillishness)

See! Uncle Brian will be in huner's paradise!
I think this is either the beginning of the driveway or just the beginning of the part on our property.

I think this is either the beginning of the driveway or just the beginning of the part on our property.
I'm back!
Did you miss me?
Of course not.
How could you miss a blogger that doesn't write consistantly?
Oh well, I did actually leave and not get on blogger for 3 whole days! I didn't really get on blogger the 4th day either, but I did check my bloglines. Does that count?
Well, to add color to this post (I've noticed that posts that don't have pictures aren't half as interesting, and I'm much less inclined to read them.) I thought I'd add this pic that's going around in emails.
So..when you see this pic you think, "Woah! That guy is amazing! He doesn't look too young, but he's handling this moose!" Then you read this article that I heartlessly link to, and all your amazement dies away with the thought, "Just another one of those stupid forwards!"
And of course..it is. :-)
Of course not.
How could you miss a blogger that doesn't write consistantly?
Oh well, I did actually leave and not get on blogger for 3 whole days! I didn't really get on blogger the 4th day either, but I did check my bloglines. Does that count?
Well, to add color to this post (I've noticed that posts that don't have pictures aren't half as interesting, and I'm much less inclined to read them.) I thought I'd add this pic that's going around in emails.

So..when you see this pic you think, "Woah! That guy is amazing! He doesn't look too young, but he's handling this moose!" Then you read this article that I heartlessly link to, and all your amazement dies away with the thought, "Just another one of those stupid forwards!"
And of course..it is. :-)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Our Valentine's Day preparations took most of the day, so the amount of schoolwork that we got done was...well.....not very much, but I succeeded in making all the valentines, at least 3 dozen cookies and dinner...
Here are the cookies. It's a good thing it's lent, because I don't think they'd last until tomorrow if it wasn't. ;-) Nothing incredibly special, but I bet they'll taste good. I found the recipe (which was super easy , and the dough didn't crumble near the end of rolling out at all!) here. I think the best thing about the recipe is that you don't have to refrigerate the dough.
Pastry Chef's note: Neon purple food coloring is almost as good as regular red for getting pink...and anyway, even if it wasn't, it's still Lent. Purple Valentine's day cookies are fine...especially when covered in red sprinkles.
Here are the cookies. It's a good thing it's lent, because I don't think they'd last until tomorrow if it wasn't. ;-) Nothing incredibly special, but I bet they'll taste good. I found the recipe (which was super easy , and the dough didn't crumble near the end of rolling out at all!) here. I think the best thing about the recipe is that you don't have to refrigerate the dough.

Pastry Chef's note: Neon purple food coloring is almost as good as regular red for getting pink...and anyway, even if it wasn't, it's still Lent. Purple Valentine's day cookies are fine...especially when covered in red sprinkles.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Pride and Prejudice
I finished Pride and Prejudice. It was a good book. Watching the movie first helped me envision the different characters, especially Jane and Bingley. I would recommend both the movie and the book, but most of you have probably already seen and read both. I actually figured out why it has it's title. All by myself! *pats self on back* Although..it took me about half the book.....
I must really be like her. I've taken this quiz about 5 times, but I always end up being Marianne, and I've changed my answers around too. She's actually in Sense and Sensibility, but I prefer this quiz to the Pride and Prejudice ones I've found.
I'm going to VA!

Friday morning my mom and I start driving. It's only like 8 hours. Not too long. We're staying at Caitie's house on Friday night. Saturday we're going to spend (hopefully) seeing all our old homeschool friends. Saturday afternoon we're picking up Allison (one of my best friends ever!) and Maddie! (we'll already have Caitie with us) My mom made reservations at a hotel. A really nice hotel..actually we don't know which hotel we're staying at yet. They're both nice, (we're choosing between 2) but one has a pool..and one doesn't. We don't really know what we'll do that night, but we looked up times for August Rush, Enchanted and Water Horse in the cheap theater. I'm guessing we'll stay up really late, play games and have fun. It's supposed to be my early b-day party. Sunday we'll drop off Allison and go to mass at Queen of Apostles. (We used to go there like 10 years ago) We'll meet the Beattys there and go to their house for brunch. We're staying at the Clancy's again on Sunday night, and we'll probably hang out until after Lit class on Monday, because Caitie and I are in the same class.
Ok, doesn't this seem like a dream b-day weekend? The only bad thing about it that it's the weekend of 2 of my friends' b-day party, the last home game and basketball pics. Oh well. We never buy those pics anyway, and I'll get to see all my b-ball friends at the banquet (fancy word for 'end of the year potluck')
I think I've bored you enough for one day. I'm just excited and looking forward to the weekend!
Friday, February 8, 2008
...Next year??
Yesterday and today we had a basketball tournament. It was fun...sort of. We lost every game. But on the bright side I actually *gasp* dribbled in..towards the basket..with big tall scary girls surrounding me.. and I shot..and made it! 2 baskets in that game! Everyone played really well, and we were winning 15-8 at halftime of the last game today. Then they made a massive come back. 23-17 was the final score..I think.
I'd write more, but I doubt you want to know what I ate there..and there isn't too much else to tell. Or maybe there's just too much. I feel kind of brain dead right now. :-)
P.S. Don't ask about the music. We listened to a Fray cd on the way to Thursday's games and I had this song stuck in my head all day.
Although...the song isn't automatically playing now. weird.
I'd write more, but I doubt you want to know what I ate there..and there isn't too much else to tell. Or maybe there's just too much. I feel kind of brain dead right now. :-)
P.S. Don't ask about the music. We listened to a Fray cd on the way to Thursday's games and I had this song stuck in my head all day.
Although...the song isn't automatically playing now. weird.
Monday, February 4, 2008
It's true
Saturday, February 2, 2008
And the coach said only 5 more suicides, and I gasped, "Huh?"

Obviously I was a little afraid of looking stupid. Both the JV and Varsity teams are pretty good (definitely better than my team), but I took the chance. I really could use the extra running to help me get ready for track. I managed to do fine. In fact T (the out of breath guy from before) was heard to remark to D (a guy I was guarding man to man) as he came down to the base line in between plays, "Dude, you were getting owned!" D only muttered (well..actually whispered because he had lost his voice) something under his breath. Probably he didn't expect me to cover him that tight. ;-) The only time I looked somewhat ridiculous was when I slammed into Emily during suicides. I did fall down, but I finished the suicide before some of the boys (who aren't actually all that slow and whose names I won't mention). I was pretty happy with myself.
Anyway, I think I've praised myself enough for one night.
Did I mention that I'm already sore? And that I'm starting to lose my voice from gasping for breath while running? I told you I needed the exercise! I sat down on the couch tonight and my left leg started to cramp up, so I got up, stretched it and sat back down. I had to repeat this

I'm going to go next week though. What with my basketball practice on Mondays, Track on Thursdays, dancing in drama (I'm Zaneeta in the music man) and boys' practice on Fridays, Basketball games on Saturdays and mandatory running (for track) every day..I should be in pretty good shape by the first tack meet. Hopefully. I probably won't actually get to do everything I just listed, but I'd like to.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go massage my shin splints.
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