From Emily
1. Put your iTunes on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
Be My Escape- Relient K
Me and Jesus- Stellar Kart heehee
She's Not Just a Pretty Face- Shania Twain wow...special
The Scene and the Herd- Relient K hmmmm what?
Redemption- Switchfoot dude........creepy
Mountain of God - Third Day
Tied Down - Colbie Caillat hmm really? *sigh* maybe I'm am kind of tied down with everything that I have going on lately.
Homesick- MercyMe oh please.......
WHAT IS 2+2?
For the Band- Relient K
Made to Worship- Chris Tomlin
Entertaining Angels- Newsboys siblings are anything but angels ;-) jkjk
The Call- Regina Spektor uhh i'm confused :-/
Breakfast- Newsboys heehee that's funny, because despite my love for food, that's the only meal I consistently don't eat.
S.O.S.- Jonas Bros. HAHAHA! That would be funny!
A Whisper Heard Around the World- Bryan Duncan huh? I've never actually listened to this was on an old WOW cd that i put on itunes a while ago.
The Only Thing Worse Than Beating a Dead Horse is Betting on One- Relient K uhh i guess in a twisted way that could mean horsebackriding?
Ordinary Day- Vanessa Carlton Yes..but you never know what i DO on ordinary you?
Cartoons-Chris Rice heehee
On My Own- Les Miserables oooh! That is SO true! I'm such an extrovert!
This Man-Jeremy Camp ummm creepy?
ABBA- Rebecca St.James huh?
The Stenographer- Relient K
I'm Taking You With Me - Relient K can you tell I like Relient K? lol
Deathbed-Relient K ummm a bit morbid?
Up and Up- Relient K this is ridiculous I don't have THAT many of their CD's
Wherever We Go- Newsboys ummm?
Take You Back- Jeremy Camp weird O.o
Frank Dies-HP4 soundtrack
hmm the beginning was kind of funny, but it just got random and boring towards the end.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I'm sorry...
...for neglecting you so horribly. But I've just been so busy lately! I won't list my schedule because it really isn't that interesting..only painfully full. Happy Veteran's Day! (late..) It was nice to have the day off...
Actually, our school doesn't give us Veteran's day off (unfortunately), but I took it off anyway, to get sleep and try and get rid of this accursed cold/hacking cough/sore throat thing. It's still hanging around, but I'm not miserable, only slightly annoyed, because I have a concert on Sunday. So, yes, I played hooky (sp??) and have since decided that it really doesn't pay. I had to run through school on Wednesday, trying to find my teachers and ask about hw and turn stuff in. Technically I have until next Tuesday to get the stuff turned in, but I felt like making their jobs easier and turning in stuff so they could grade it over the weekend. Anyway, I couldn't find one of the teachers, so I put my hw in her almost completely full mail box. I kind of doubt that she'll even find it. ;-)
I know I've already warned you all to avoid AP history..well...yes, it's true, but at least Mrs. Mac (despite her love of crushing us with excessive hw) tries to make it interesting. Yesterday Mrs. Leckleider (sp?) , one of the math teachers, held a Japanese tea ceremony in class (she's a missionary to Japan). It was really fascinating! I have no idea how they sit on their ankles for hours at a time. It's pretty painful, so we cheated and crossed our legs about half-way through the class.
I have to go now, I've got a lot to do, but I promised not to give my I won't tell you exactly what it is I'm going to do..just think along the lines of Latin hw and grammar and chemistry tests......
Oh, one more thing...I've made it through the first quarter of school! I got my report card the other day..It's really quite exciting to get a report card..esp because it was so encouraging to know that all this homework nonsense has paid off.
My results were:
Grammar 97%
Composition 95%
Literature 95%
History 89%
overall a 4.25 average...which is weird..because I thought you really couldn't go above a 4. lol It must be the AP history.. I'm kind of shocked that grammar is 97% because I think it's one of my more challenging classes. I've never liked all seems a bit pointless. I'm glad this is my last year. Also, for chemistry I don't know what my average is, but I'm sure it's going to go down after I take this test....ugh..I really don't like confusing!
Hopefully, I'll be able to post again soon. I want to make one of those video things about our trip to Pike Lake...
But goodbye for now! May your grammar grades flourish, may your history teacher assign small amounts of homework, and always remember to balance your equations!
Actually, our school doesn't give us Veteran's day off (unfortunately), but I took it off anyway, to get sleep and try and get rid of this accursed cold/hacking cough/sore throat thing. It's still hanging around, but I'm not miserable, only slightly annoyed, because I have a concert on Sunday. So, yes, I played hooky (sp??) and have since decided that it really doesn't pay. I had to run through school on Wednesday, trying to find my teachers and ask about hw and turn stuff in. Technically I have until next Tuesday to get the stuff turned in, but I felt like making their jobs easier and turning in stuff so they could grade it over the weekend. Anyway, I couldn't find one of the teachers, so I put my hw in her almost completely full mail box. I kind of doubt that she'll even find it. ;-)
I know I've already warned you all to avoid AP history..well...yes, it's true, but at least Mrs. Mac (despite her love of crushing us with excessive hw) tries to make it interesting. Yesterday Mrs. Leckleider (sp?) , one of the math teachers, held a Japanese tea ceremony in class (she's a missionary to Japan). It was really fascinating! I have no idea how they sit on their ankles for hours at a time. It's pretty painful, so we cheated and crossed our legs about half-way through the class.
I have to go now, I've got a lot to do, but I promised not to give my I won't tell you exactly what it is I'm going to do..just think along the lines of Latin hw and grammar and chemistry tests......
Oh, one more thing...I've made it through the first quarter of school! I got my report card the other day..It's really quite exciting to get a report card..esp because it was so encouraging to know that all this homework nonsense has paid off.
My results were:
Grammar 97%
Composition 95%
Literature 95%
History 89%
overall a 4.25 average...which is weird..because I thought you really couldn't go above a 4. lol It must be the AP history.. I'm kind of shocked that grammar is 97% because I think it's one of my more challenging classes. I've never liked all seems a bit pointless. I'm glad this is my last year. Also, for chemistry I don't know what my average is, but I'm sure it's going to go down after I take this test....ugh..I really don't like confusing!
Hopefully, I'll be able to post again soon. I want to make one of those video things about our trip to Pike Lake...
But goodbye for now! May your grammar grades flourish, may your history teacher assign small amounts of homework, and always remember to balance your equations!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Just so you know...I'm not dead
Never let Mrs. Mc (or any other teacher for that matter) convince you that AP History is good.
It's evil! REALLY evil!
And the amount of homework between Monday and Wednesday (which also happen to be the days I'm stuck trying to finish Chemistry homework that's due Wednesday) classes is absurd! We've already had like 3 quizzes and a test!
On the bright side though..Honors Lit is super easy. Why even call it honors?
Never let Mrs. Mc (or any other teacher for that matter) convince you that AP History is good.
It's evil! REALLY evil!
And the amount of homework between Monday and Wednesday (which also happen to be the days I'm stuck trying to finish Chemistry homework that's due Wednesday) classes is absurd! We've already had like 3 quizzes and a test!
On the bright side though..Honors Lit is super easy. Why even call it honors?
Monday, September 15, 2008
First day..ok week...ok...more like first few weeks at school

P.S. The homework stinks. Never let your teacher convince you that you're smart enough to take an AP class. She's not the one taking the test.
Friday, September 5, 2008
I had to audition for 'Singing in the Rain' today! People auditioning for the main parts had to do a dance, a monologue, and a song. So.....since I tried out for Lina Lamont first, Kathy Selden second, and some obscure character third (now watch, after saying that, I'll probably get the obscure character ;-) ).
For my song: I could've danced all night
It really fit my voice, but I had to sing it Acapella because I couldn't find any karaoke versions in the key of B flat. It was fine. I had my friend hit the key on the piano for me, and I know I did eventually get off key, because halfway through she hit the B flat again, and I had to keep going in the key I was in, because it was so off I couldn't go down to the B flat. It would have been too noticable, but I asked a bunch of people, and none of them noticed me changing keys. Oh well. We can't all be pitch perfect.
For my dance: I did part of my library scene dance from last year, with a few new things added. Joseph came all the way from college to do the dance with me! It was so nice of him! We practiced for about 10 minutes in the parking the rain..and I was barefoot, because it's hard enough to dance in flip's even harder to do it in the rain. Yes, we were 'dancing in the rain'. ;-) The dance went ok..He almost dropped me on the full lift, because, A: I haven't been playing sports all summer and I've probably gained a few pounds, B: We're both a little rusty with our dancing, and C (probably the main reason): his shoes were slippery from outside. Dumb rain. Oh well, the rest of the dance went ok. Pretty good actually, considering we went over it for 10 minutes, and actually finished choreographing the thing during those 10 minutes.
For my monologue: I did the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet. (Y'know..the part where she says rapturously, "O Romeo, Romeo!")
In Lina Lamont's voice. ;-) I think people liked it....everyone laughed, and I got a few compliments.
So, we'll see how things turn out..I did my best. Next week we're supposed to go back. The director is going to see how people look next to each other ( I mean, we don't want a midget Don and a giant Kathy or anything like that) and have us read some lines for different parts. I hope that goes well. She said that she wants to have finished casting the mains next Friday. Keep your fingers I guess just pray to St. Genesius. :-D
For my song: I could've danced all night
It really fit my voice, but I had to sing it Acapella because I couldn't find any karaoke versions in the key of B flat. It was fine. I had my friend hit the key on the piano for me, and I know I did eventually get off key, because halfway through she hit the B flat again, and I had to keep going in the key I was in, because it was so off I couldn't go down to the B flat. It would have been too noticable, but I asked a bunch of people, and none of them noticed me changing keys. Oh well. We can't all be pitch perfect.
For my dance: I did part of my library scene dance from last year, with a few new things added. Joseph came all the way from college to do the dance with me! It was so nice of him! We practiced for about 10 minutes in the parking the rain..and I was barefoot, because it's hard enough to dance in flip's even harder to do it in the rain. Yes, we were 'dancing in the rain'. ;-) The dance went ok..He almost dropped me on the full lift, because, A: I haven't been playing sports all summer and I've probably gained a few pounds, B: We're both a little rusty with our dancing, and C (probably the main reason): his shoes were slippery from outside. Dumb rain. Oh well, the rest of the dance went ok. Pretty good actually, considering we went over it for 10 minutes, and actually finished choreographing the thing during those 10 minutes.
For my monologue: I did the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet. (Y'know..the part where she says rapturously, "O Romeo, Romeo!")
In Lina Lamont's voice. ;-) I think people liked it....everyone laughed, and I got a few compliments.
So, we'll see how things turn out..I did my best. Next week we're supposed to go back. The director is going to see how people look next to each other ( I mean, we don't want a midget Don and a giant Kathy or anything like that) and have us read some lines for different parts. I hope that goes well. She said that she wants to have finished casting the mains next Friday. Keep your fingers I guess just pray to St. Genesius. :-D
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
The Zoo
On Thursday some families from our homeschool group went to the Columbus zoo. I had to do my latin class that morning at a Panera in Columbus, so I missed the 1st hour and a half of the zoo, but during the 2nd hour and a half I got some really sweet pictures!
I know I'm kind of obsessed with these onetruemedia video's lately, but it's the easiest way to put a lot of pics on one post, and I have so much trouble picking which ones to post otherwise!
So here's a video of our trip to the zoo. The 1st one is a cool pic of my two friends and my shoes. If I ever make an album..that'll be the cover. ;-)
I know I'm kind of obsessed with these onetruemedia video's lately, but it's the easiest way to put a lot of pics on one post, and I have so much trouble picking which ones to post otherwise!
So here's a video of our trip to the zoo. The 1st one is a cool pic of my two friends and my shoes. If I ever make an album..that'll be the cover. ;-)
Stubenville Day 1
I got to go this year!! (and yes. This is VERY LATE!)
But I'm still going to post all about it. By request of Aunt Sarah.
Friday morning I woke up..I think I actually woke up! I wasn't woken up! Anyway, I hurriedly packed the rest of my stuff into my duffle bag and crammed my purse full of stuff. We drove over to Emmanuel at about 11:30. There were a lot more kids going than I had expected, and I only knew like 2 of them. I quickly found my friend Rosa and met a group of girls (Allison, Celia, Mary Kate, and Maddie) that I ended up hanging out with the entire weekend.
It was pretty chaotic in the youth group room, but eventually they got us all outside and our bags in the vans. Then they made us get a big circle and pray..welll..they didn't make us pray. Then we had to go around and introduce ourselves. Next they assigned vans to people. I was lucky because I ended up in a mini-van with Rosa, her cousin Mary Kate, a leader, and two girls named Brenna and Amanda. It would have been kind of special if I'd had to ride with a bunch of people I didn't know. Anyway...we started driving, but were quickly interrupted because the youth group leader, Mr. Popp had to stop and get something at his house.
The drive there was pretty boring. We sang with the one girl's ipod, stopped at McDonalds for lunch, got gas, stopped to give motrin to someone in another car...and there!!
We were late, so we had missed mass and some of the opening talks. The leaders in our group gave us wristbands and happened to make mine really tight. (Oh was pretty loose by the end of the weekend.) We tried to remain inconspicuous when we entered the fieldhouse, but heads turned and stared. The students helping with the conference quickly found us seats in the VERY back, but that was ok, because we were right by a door, and we could see just fine.
The MC talked for a while and then we sang a little bit. Next they started Eucharistic Adoration. It was really powerful. The group in front of us were dropping like flies; being Slain in the Spirit. Only, I didn't know what being slain in the Spirit was, so I thought we had a special needs group kneeling (well actually laying) in front of us. There was this one guy who fell over, was given smelling salts, taken away in a wheelchair, and came walking back perfectly fine....only to fall over again when the Eucharist passed us in Adoration.
After Adoration, they let us go for the night. We got some pizza because we had missed dinner, and then we went to our dorms. The girls all had to crowd into one dorm room..well..two bedrooms, 4 beds, a little living space, all hard floors, and about 30 girls. I slept on the floor. And that was the end of Day 1!
But I'm still going to post all about it. By request of Aunt Sarah.
Friday morning I woke up..I think I actually woke up! I wasn't woken up! Anyway, I hurriedly packed the rest of my stuff into my duffle bag and crammed my purse full of stuff. We drove over to Emmanuel at about 11:30. There were a lot more kids going than I had expected, and I only knew like 2 of them. I quickly found my friend Rosa and met a group of girls (Allison, Celia, Mary Kate, and Maddie) that I ended up hanging out with the entire weekend.
It was pretty chaotic in the youth group room, but eventually they got us all outside and our bags in the vans. Then they made us get a big circle and pray..welll..they didn't make us pray. Then we had to go around and introduce ourselves. Next they assigned vans to people. I was lucky because I ended up in a mini-van with Rosa, her cousin Mary Kate, a leader, and two girls named Brenna and Amanda. It would have been kind of special if I'd had to ride with a bunch of people I didn't know. Anyway...we started driving, but were quickly interrupted because the youth group leader, Mr. Popp had to stop and get something at his house.
The drive there was pretty boring. We sang with the one girl's ipod, stopped at McDonalds for lunch, got gas, stopped to give motrin to someone in another car...and there!!
We were late, so we had missed mass and some of the opening talks. The leaders in our group gave us wristbands and happened to make mine really tight. (Oh was pretty loose by the end of the weekend.) We tried to remain inconspicuous when we entered the fieldhouse, but heads turned and stared. The students helping with the conference quickly found us seats in the VERY back, but that was ok, because we were right by a door, and we could see just fine.
The MC talked for a while and then we sang a little bit. Next they started Eucharistic Adoration. It was really powerful. The group in front of us were dropping like flies; being Slain in the Spirit. Only, I didn't know what being slain in the Spirit was, so I thought we had a special needs group kneeling (well actually laying) in front of us. There was this one guy who fell over, was given smelling salts, taken away in a wheelchair, and came walking back perfectly fine....only to fall over again when the Eucharist passed us in Adoration.
After Adoration, they let us go for the night. We got some pizza because we had missed dinner, and then we went to our dorms. The girls all had to crowd into one dorm room..well..two bedrooms, 4 beds, a little living space, all hard floors, and about 30 girls. I slept on the floor. And that was the end of Day 1!
School, sleepovers, and skinny jeans
I can't believe school is about to start! It's ridiculous! I mean..I haven't even finished last year's work! Latin started last week, so I've been busy trying to remember how to decline nouns. grr. School starts this Tuesday, and we went to orientation last Monday. It was a lot of fun! I got my uniforms!!! (I need to stop using exclamation marks..I think I'm just a little too excited about starting school)

Anyway, after orientation..I went to a good friend's house for our 1st annual 'BM back to school bash'. (BM stands for Best Mate..unless you're a member and you know the secret meaning) We made t-shirts and our hair with kool aid. It was fun..even if I had to sleep with tin foil in my hair all night..and even though I had to wash my hair right away the next morning because it was so sticky and greasy from the conditioner/kool aid mixture. Maybe next year we'll use real hair dye..but a week before school starts is not a good time to streak your hair red when the dress code says "No unnatural hair colors". We felt safer using kool aid, after being assured by several friends and cousins that it would rinse out on the first try. (and the BM budget couldn't afford real hair dye) Anyways, the only place it really showed up was my freakishly blond streak in the front..left over from my blond days (when I was little..).
And you might be wondering why the title contains 'skinny jeans'..some of you may remember, and I confess that I have been heard to say "I hate skinny jeans", "I'll never wear those", and even"We should start a flare rebellion against skinny jeans and wear flares even when they go out of style, which will hopefully be never!". *sigh* Yes, I did, in fact, say all of those things. And I'm paying for it now. I've been teased, tormented, and stared at (ok..maybe not the last two). But, while I was in VA..I broke down..and...and...and...I got a pair of skinny jeans. And the worst part is..I LIKE THEM!'ll probably see pictures of me in them later, but I'm not a model (despite all my self pics in costumes) and I refuse to post pics of me in them specifically for the purpose of showing off my skinny jeans. HA. (if you look carefully in the upcoming "zoo" post, you'll see me wearing them.
So, now I'm off to keep writing up new posts (I got over a blogger's block all of a sudden and have about 50 posts planned for the next few days before school starts..oh....I guess that'd be only a day. *sigh*), but not before I post a few pics of the BM t-shirt I made. (pics of my uniform will appear sporadically throughout the year, I'm sure)

And the 2nd half..
of our trip was when we went to the Clancy's house. Everyone (except me) was pretty homesick by now, so Mommy drove home with them after day at the Clancy's and I stayed a whole extra week! I got to spend a lot of time with two of my best friends, Caitie and Allison (well, not a lot of time with Allison, but a day and night) and I got to see some other great friends.
Us at the Clancy's right before my mom and siblings left. Mei mei wouldn't appear for the pic because she was mad that I got to stay an extra week.
The National Shrine/Basilica that we saw on a field trip with Caitie's Youth Group

Here are some pictures:

Christina, Me, and Caitie in front of the Shrine
Caitie and I, and our failed attempt at a self-pic. Actually, we did have some where it wasn't off-center, but we both look best in this one.
So remember..I went on a trip
The property
So they're building a new bridge on the property now. (We still don't know if we're moving there, but the owner needs a bridge anyway) We went there last weekend and I took some pictures... 

The beginning of the bridge
Choo choo, Charlie, and Nastia inspecting the bridge
A little fishing hole created when they dammed up the stream
The driveway
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Here are a few riddles Caitie and I found while looking on this site.
I have hands that wave at you,
But I never say "Goodbye."
It's cool for you to be with me,
Especially when I say, "HI."
What am I?
The man who made it doesn't want it. The man who bought it doesn't need it. The man who needs it doesn't know it.
I am weightless but you can see me. Put me in a bucket and I make it lighter. What am I?
You do not want to have me
But when you have me
You do not want to lose me.
What am I?
5. Take away the whole and still be left with some. What is it?
1. electric fan (hee hee ;-D)
2. a coffin
3. A hole
4. a lawsuit (haha)
5. The word wholesome
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Survey thingy from Emily
Name: Eomer, son of Eomund
Age: 24ish
August is: A time when spiders infest my sister's bedroom and I am constantly having to go assist in the squishing of them.
Crocodiles or Alligators: These outlandish sounding names seem rather Haradrim-ish.
New obsession: Staring at my amazingly handsome face in the mirror for hours on end.
People always say to me: "Eomer, thou art the most handsome and brave Rohirrim ever to ride the plains Rohan."
I wish: I had a mirror with real glass instead of burnished silver.
I love: Gazing at my reflection.
I want it to be: Spring, so I can hunt for Warg meat. (my sister doesn't like it, but I think it has a nice healthy dirt taste to it)
I don't have: A purpose in life.
Money is: What exactly is that?
Jenny is: ummm...some type of exotic plant?
Emily is: Orc-ish for Stinky Foot.
Nailpolish is: A kind of fluid mixed by the elves and used to polish the iron nails that hold their boats together, when they're tired of singing Gregorian-like chants and acting strange and mystical.
A/C are: some kind of crude dwarf runes.
Icebreakers are: large axe-like objects that are used by the strange people of the freezing North, to break their drinks into bite size pieces.
The Yankees are: more unusual dwarf runes, which, unless I'm much mistaken, mean "overlong fingers."
Who will repost this: My good friend, the unfortunate plain faced, Aragorn.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
That's my Momma
So we've been staying at Aunt Ali's while my mom took off to spend the weekend with some of her online buddies at the homeschooling conference in PA.
My mom (in remembrance of her childhood nickname, Diana Banana) has been going by Chiquita.
Or Chiq for short.
Apparently she took this a little too literally when she actually became Chiquita Banana when going to pick up her friends at the airport last Friday.
To any fans of Journey of a Mother's Heart and the supposed calm and insightful Diane..Brace yourselves! The following picture may come as a bit of a shock.
My mom (in remembrance of her childhood nickname, Diana Banana) has been going by Chiquita.
Or Chiq for short.
Apparently she took this a little too literally when she actually became Chiquita Banana when going to pick up her friends at the airport last Friday.
To any fans of Journey of a Mother's Heart and the supposed calm and insightful Diane..Brace yourselves! The following picture may come as a bit of a shock.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Guess where I'm going on vacation!! Is it here?
Or here?
Or maybe..... Here?
Nope, it's even better...
I'm going HERE!!!!!
Actually, I'm already here..posting on my aunt's computer. Pics when I get home...
And after a week here..we're going HERE!! Yay!
So if I disappear from the internet for like 2'll know I wasn't kidnapped or anything.
Or here?
Or maybe..... Here?
Nope, it's even better...
I'm going HERE!!!!!
Actually, I'm already here..posting on my aunt's computer. Pics when I get home...
And after a week here..we're going HERE!! Yay!
So if I disappear from the internet for like 2'll know I wasn't kidnapped or anything.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
2 new cd's
My mom got Switchfoot's 'Beautiful Letdown' and Relient K's 'Five Score and Seven Years ago'. They're both really good. I think I like the Relient K one better, because the lyrics are really clever, but Switchfoot is awesome too.
My favorite songs from the Switchfoot album are probably 'Ammunition' and 'Redemption'. But that's mostly because I've heard 'Gone' and 'Dare You to Move' so many times it's not even funny.
And from the Relient K album...I like pretty much all of them. I've always liked 'Best Thing' and 'Must Have Done Something Right'..but I've listened to those way too much. ;-)
My new favorites are: 'I'm Taking You With Me' and 'Faking My Own Suicide'.
'Crayons Can Melt On Us For All I Care' is fabulous though. ;-D
I actually like 'Death Bed' a lot too.
See..I can't choose a favorite. ;-)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Eldest Child Tip #79
Always check your rollerblades before you put your foot in....
Someone may have left an ax in there.... :-O
Take me out to the ball game..
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Only ONE word?!
The One Word Meme
1.Where is your cell phone? dreams
2.Your significant other? none
3.Your hair? exasperating
4.Your mother? amazing
5. Your father? wonderful
6. Your favorite thing? laughter
7. Your dream last night? sweet
8. Your favorite drink? drpepper
9. Your dream/goal? Heaven
10. The room you’re in? dining
11. Your church? Emmanuel
12. Your fear? spiders
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? college
14. Where were you last night? couch
15. What you’re not? angel
16. Muffins? yum!
17. One of your wish list items? converse
18. Where you grew up? everywhere
19. The last thing you did? read
20. What are you wearing? clothes
21. Your TV? channeless
22. Your pets? Chaskerploplunk
23. Your computer? MacBook
24. Your life? great
25. Your mood? content
26. Missing someone? yup
27. Your car? future
28. Something you’re not wearing? contacts
29. Favorite store? Michaels
30. Your summer? gone
31. Like(love) someone? yes
32. Your favorite color? blue
33. Last time you laughed? recently
34. Last time you cried? tonight
35. Who will re post this? Emily?
1.Where is your cell phone? dreams
2.Your significant other? none
3.Your hair? exasperating
4.Your mother? amazing
5. Your father? wonderful
6. Your favorite thing? laughter
7. Your dream last night? sweet
8. Your favorite drink? drpepper
9. Your dream/goal? Heaven
10. The room you’re in? dining
11. Your church? Emmanuel
12. Your fear? spiders
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? college
14. Where were you last night? couch
15. What you’re not? angel
16. Muffins? yum!
17. One of your wish list items? converse
18. Where you grew up? everywhere
19. The last thing you did? read
20. What are you wearing? clothes
21. Your TV? channeless
22. Your pets? Chaskerploplunk
23. Your computer? MacBook
24. Your life? great
25. Your mood? content
26. Missing someone? yup
27. Your car? future
28. Something you’re not wearing? contacts
29. Favorite store? Michaels
30. Your summer? gone
31. Like(love) someone? yes
32. Your favorite color? blue
33. Last time you laughed? recently
34. Last time you cried? tonight
35. Who will re post this? Emily?
Monday, July 14, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Rome Commercial
I made this for Latin class last fall. I never actually got it on youtube in time for the class and sent it to the teacher on cd. But now that it's summer and I have more time to waste......
The sound isn't all that great..but I did FINALLY get on the internet!
The sound isn't all that great..but I did FINALLY get on the internet!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Some Music Man Rehearsal pics
Here are some pics from the Music Man dress rehearsals..the 1st one of 3 I think. ;-)
Harold Hill and Elizabeth doing their foot dance during 76 trombones
Trouble!!! I'm the 2nd from the left with the pink bow.
More Trouble..
The end of the Shipoopi dance. Tommy and I
Waiting to act.. (I'm on the far right)
The boy's dance at the end of the Shipoopi
More pictures of the actual performance to follow!! (hopefully)
More pictures of the actual performance to follow!! (hopefully)
Fruits of Labor..sorta

My friend Mary (aka the other Marian) gave a bunch of us balloons, which was really sweet!
Thanks to everyone who came to the play!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Happy Father's Day!

Make video montages at
Happy Father's Day, Daddy! Mommy came up with the idea and I made the video.
Love, Elena
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Yip Yip Yippeeeeeeee!!!
I just finished my Science exam!!!! (literally like 30sec ago) It took exactly 1 hour, 39 minutes, and 20.21 seconds (but I wouldn't have been counting the seconds down until it was over if I hadn't had a 2 hour time limit) WAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!! SCHOOL is OUTTTTTT!!!!!!!
.......................Ok, except for Religion, History, Health, and Math which I have to finish over the summer, but we all know that those are EASY subjects..and they don't have exams! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!
The Lit exam yesterday was ok, actually it was pretty decent as far as exams go. No full essays! Just 10 short ones, but they didn't require a ton of research, because he gave us passages from random works similar to the ones we'd read this year (but not from stuff we had read), and we had to try to figure out what it was from..approx..that was kind of fun. WAY more fun than all the research I did for my Science essays! Ok..actually I put off all studying for the Science essay until about ummmm *steels self for shocked outcry of shock from mother when she reads this* about 9pm last night. Yup...9pm..and I took it 25 hours 10pm tonight. If I get an A, I think that I should have some kind of a record for the craziest amount of time cramming ever! Because it wasn't like I was studying all of those 25 hours... I went to Aunt Kiki's and went swimming for a few hours..not to mention sleeping last night (well..most of last night...) I really need to work on my study technique.
It went something like this: Find out there's going to be an exam about 3 weeks before I get it by email. Put it out of my head for 3 weeks. Get the exam by email with a weeks time limit to complete it in approx. 1 1/2 -2 1/2 hours (depending on the exam). Put of studying....put of studying some more....put off stu....WAIT!!! It's the DAY before the exam!!! EEEGADDDSS!!!! Grab the laptop and frantically think about making a study plan. Take a break to eat and come back..get distracted by something and spend about an hour doing something other that studying. At midnight the night before the deadline day for the exam, break down in tears and sob out my woes, apologize, and promise to reform my sinful studying ways to a somewhat sympathetic mother who listens, remonstrates, spends a few minutes criticizing the class, then calmly takes the computer to check the email while I pull my hair out, desperately trying to think of a way to write the essay plan I was supposed to write weeks ago. She then tells me that I'm not going to Aunt Kiki's tomorrow and that I'm going to go to bed right now, study all day tomorrow, and do my best on the test tomorrow night. Pull myself together, close the laptop, go to sleep and dream of textbooks chasing me around a calendar marked with exam deadlines (ok... so the dream part was made up...but it totally fit). Wake up with the resolve to go to Aunt Kiki's. Frantically grab the laptop, hurriedly finish the last of the Science study outlines, send them to the other computer, print them out, paperclip them together and grab a Science encyclopedia. Announce that I'm going to Aunt Kiki's. Memorize the timeline on the hour drive there. Get there, eat lunch, go swimming, guiltily get out the history part of the exam study outline, memorize the people and their accomplishments. On the drive home, go through about a third of the actual Science stuff I was supposed to study. Memorize my essay outlines and the main points in them very very fast. Take the exam at 10pm. Finish it half an hour earlier than I needed to. And yeah..that's how this exam went. I doubt I'll be proud enough of the results to post them, but we'll see. ;-)
I don't recommend this way of's hard on the nerves.
And yes, most of my exams do go like this. :-O
.......................Ok, except for Religion, History, Health, and Math which I have to finish over the summer, but we all know that those are EASY subjects..and they don't have exams! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!
The Lit exam yesterday was ok, actually it was pretty decent as far as exams go. No full essays! Just 10 short ones, but they didn't require a ton of research, because he gave us passages from random works similar to the ones we'd read this year (but not from stuff we had read), and we had to try to figure out what it was from..approx..that was kind of fun. WAY more fun than all the research I did for my Science essays! Ok..actually I put off all studying for the Science essay until about ummmm *steels self for shocked outcry of shock from mother when she reads this* about 9pm last night. Yup...9pm..and I took it 25 hours 10pm tonight. If I get an A, I think that I should have some kind of a record for the craziest amount of time cramming ever! Because it wasn't like I was studying all of those 25 hours... I went to Aunt Kiki's and went swimming for a few hours..not to mention sleeping last night (well..most of last night...) I really need to work on my study technique.
It went something like this: Find out there's going to be an exam about 3 weeks before I get it by email. Put it out of my head for 3 weeks. Get the exam by email with a weeks time limit to complete it in approx. 1 1/2 -2 1/2 hours (depending on the exam). Put of studying....put of studying some more....put off stu....WAIT!!! It's the DAY before the exam!!! EEEGADDDSS!!!! Grab the laptop and frantically think about making a study plan. Take a break to eat and come back..get distracted by something and spend about an hour doing something other that studying. At midnight the night before the deadline day for the exam, break down in tears and sob out my woes, apologize, and promise to reform my sinful studying ways to a somewhat sympathetic mother who listens, remonstrates, spends a few minutes criticizing the class, then calmly takes the computer to check the email while I pull my hair out, desperately trying to think of a way to write the essay plan I was supposed to write weeks ago. She then tells me that I'm not going to Aunt Kiki's tomorrow and that I'm going to go to bed right now, study all day tomorrow, and do my best on the test tomorrow night. Pull myself together, close the laptop, go to sleep and dream of textbooks chasing me around a calendar marked with exam deadlines (ok... so the dream part was made up...but it totally fit). Wake up with the resolve to go to Aunt Kiki's. Frantically grab the laptop, hurriedly finish the last of the Science study outlines, send them to the other computer, print them out, paperclip them together and grab a Science encyclopedia. Announce that I'm going to Aunt Kiki's. Memorize the timeline on the hour drive there. Get there, eat lunch, go swimming, guiltily get out the history part of the exam study outline, memorize the people and their accomplishments. On the drive home, go through about a third of the actual Science stuff I was supposed to study. Memorize my essay outlines and the main points in them very very fast. Take the exam at 10pm. Finish it half an hour earlier than I needed to. And yeah..that's how this exam went. I doubt I'll be proud enough of the results to post them, but we'll see. ;-)
I don't recommend this way of's hard on the nerves.
And yes, most of my exams do go like this. :-O
Monday, June 9, 2008
My feelings exactly! I'm just doing a Lit final tomorrow morning, but I feel just about as great as this guy does!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
My 100th post!!
This is my 100th post! I have no drafts (I went back and published them, just to be sure), and I have been posting since January 30th 2007.
So I thought I'd celebrate with a bunch of quizzes and a birthday cake! I'm going to bake the cake tomorrow though.
Apparently my blog is rated G. Obviously!

Sorry Uncle Sean, but I'm guessing you're Mountain Dew..
Ok, this was a little weird, but apparently I've learned a lot..
No surprises here!
LOL!! This one cracked me up!
It makes me sound kind of hyper.
I wonder what other people get when they take this quiz.....
That would be why the two dogs I've had were both part beagle. ;-)
I'm not sure Mommy would agree....
I know she'll agree with this one. lol
And there ends my 100th post. I made it nice and pointless!
So I thought I'd celebrate with a bunch of quizzes and a birthday cake! I'm going to bake the cake tomorrow though.
Apparently my blog is rated G. Obviously!
This Page is Rated

Uh..ok. Whatever. And what IS the music of Love??
Yeah..pretty much. ;-)
Your Fashion Style is Classic |
![]() You like what's stood the test of time... Simple, well styled clothes that don't scream trendy You stay updated and modern, but your clothes stay in style for a while You wouldn't be caught in animal prints, fake fur, or super bright colors |
What Kind of Fashionable Woman Are You?
Ok..sort of..but I DO wear animal prints..well..zebra stripes anway.
Ok..sort of..but I DO wear animal prints..well..zebra stripes anway.
You Are 7 Up |
![]() Understated and subtle, people warm up to you slowly. But once they're hooked, they can't imagine going back to anyone else! Your best soda match: Diet Coke Stay away from: Mountain Dew |
Sorry Uncle Sean, but I'm guessing you're Mountain Dew..
You Will Be a Cool Parent |
![]() You seem to naturally know a lot about parenting, and you know what kids need. You can tell when it's time to let kids off the hook, and when it's time to lay down the law. While your parenting is modern and hip, it's not over the top. You know that there's nothing cool about a parent who acts like a teenager... or a drill sergeant! |
Ok, this was a little weird, but apparently I've learned a lot..
You Are 25% Left Brained, 75% Right Brained |
![]() The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning. Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others. If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic. Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet. The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility. Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way. If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art. Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports. |
No surprises here!
You Are Changing Leaves |
![]() |
LOL!! This one cracked me up!
You Are Noon |
![]() You are upbeat, ambitious, and never at loss for energy. You have a lot that drives you in life. The desire to be the best, and a secret hope of fame and power. And while you definitely have a Type A personality, you are still fun to be around. You have a ton of charisma and a genuine interest in others. You are adored by many. |
It makes me sound kind of hyper.
You Are An Intro-Extrovert! |
![]() Sometimes you're social - sometimes you're shy You've got a bit of an Introvert / Extrovert split going on You enjoy all sorts of situations. Parties, small groups, and alone time. Too much of one, and you'll long for the other. You need variety! Chances are, you've got both serious and fun friends - and they don't get along. |
Your Famous Last Words Will Be: |
![]() "Nice doggy." |
I wonder what other people get when they take this quiz.....
You Should Own a Beagle |
![]() Low maintenance, very friendly, and sturdy. |
That would be why the two dogs I've had were both part beagle. ;-)
You Are 77% Impulsive |
![]() You are impulsive, which at times leads to irresponsibility. It's hard for you to say no to all but the most insane propositions. But you could care less. While your impulsive ways have gotten you in a little trouble - they've made for a very exciting life! |
You Are an Optimist |
![]() You definitely see the sunny side of life, even when things aren't going so great. And while you may not be a realist, your optimism has really improved your quality of life. You have the energy to take charge, solve your problems, and enjoy life for what it is. Optimists are happier and healthier - so keep thinking positive! |
I'm not sure Mommy would agree....
You Are a Drama Princess (or Prince) |
![]() You're not over the top dramatic, but you have your moments. You know how to steal the spotlight... And how to act out to get your way. People around you know that you're good for a laugh. But at times, your drama gets a bit too much for everyone. Tone it down a tad, and you'll still be the center of attention. |
I know she'll agree with this one. lol
And there ends my 100th post. I made it nice and pointless!
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