Friday, December 14, 2007


After Richmond (yes..I'm still blogging about our trip this summer) we drove up to PA to visit Aunt Ali, Uncle, Sean and Sarah Marie. The drive was long, but at least it was cool. It was super hot at Aunt Ali's house. We unpacked some stuff from Emma, and went inside. Sarah Marie immediately started attacking Charlie. I'm not kidding. She attacked him! I have 2 videos from when we were there. One of them has Sarah Marie jumping on Charlie, flipping over him, landing on her head, and starting to cry. The other video has her jumping on top of him, and whacking him so hard that HE started crying!
Unfortunately, the videos take about an hour to load, so I'm not going to put them on here. I already put them on the Vasko Experience. You can come see her live at my house anytime after 4pm today to sometime on Thursday. (Aunt Ali and SM are visiting this week!) We'll be selling tickets at the door. (jk, Aunt Ali! ;-) )
Anyway, we went for a little walk through Aunt Ali's neighborhood and then ate dinner. Or visa versa..I don't remember. I sadly don't remember what dinner was either..It was good. It think that broccoli was the vegetable. Do I even need to mention that Valya and I had to do dishes? Isn't that pretty obvious? After dinner we got the kids to bed..I mean....Daddy put the kids to bed while Aunt Ali, Mommy, and I played cards and ate popcorn...or..knowing the was probably chips. (but hey! I DID TRY to put SM to bed, but she didn't go for it, so Aunt Ali hurriedly nursed her and turned a fan on so that she wouldn't burn up. (I'm just this time the air conditioning was on.)
I think I won those card games, but I don't know for sure. Just ask Aunt Ali. It's pretty hard to concentrate on slapping cards in the dark while listening to gypsy moth caterpillars gnaw on the tree just off the deck. And when the wind blew....*shudder* and the pieces of chewed leaf fell into the popcorn bowl..or worse...caterpillars fell into the popcorn bowl. I used to love those little guys, and I still small groups of...uhhh...1 or 2. Luckily, they didn't get into the house.
So, eventually we gave up playing cards on the deck and went inside. About this time Uncle Sean got back from his night shift. (This shows how late we stay up.) We stayed up a little longer and then went to bed. I woke up to a breakfast of eggs, toast, and juice. I DO remember that least!
After Breakfast we packed up the car and drove to Dingman's ferry falls..I THINK that was the name. Anyway, we took lots of pictures and went for a hike. I posted one of the pictures two posts ago. It was really pretty. (the place..not the picture..though I think the picture's pretty ok too.) We had to say goodbye to Sean then (he had to go to work), but we drove back to the house with Aunt Ali to grab lunch and use the bathroom Then we started our drive to............BOSTON!!!
Sarah Marie attacking Charlie
Sarah Marie and Mariana

Nastia with her walking stick from Curran

Some waterfalls at Dingman's Ferry

All of us at Dingman's Ferry (back row l-r Nastia, Valya, Aunt Ali (holding Sarah Marie), Mommy, Me, (front row) Charlie, Jacinta, and Mei mei)


Diane said...

I'm amazed that you remember as much as you do. This is a funny reflection on our time there and reveals your two obsessions---food and bugs.

Keep writing!

Elie said...


Who am I writing for? Wait..I can answer that..You..(sometimes) and Syliva. Oh'll be something to show my grandchildren. *wheeze* the,..kind of.*wheeze*...vacation....*drool*...we...used to take....*snore* "Grandma! Grandma! Wake up!" oh..where *wheeze* was..*wheeze* I? In those days...children...back travel. *snore*

Diane said...

You are soooo Uncle Tommy Love!


Elie said...

uh oh..I better delete the blog..jk ;-)

Anonymous said...

Well written article.