Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm sorry...

...for neglecting you so horribly. But I've just been so busy lately! I won't list my schedule because it really isn't that interesting..only painfully full. Happy Veteran's Day! (late..) It was nice to have the day off...

Actually, our school doesn't give us Veteran's day off (unfortunately), but I took it off anyway, to get sleep and try and get rid of this accursed cold/hacking cough/sore throat thing. It's still hanging around, but I'm not miserable, only slightly annoyed, because I have a concert on Sunday. So, yes, I played hooky (sp??) and have since decided that it really doesn't pay. I had to run through school on Wednesday, trying to find my teachers and ask about hw and turn stuff in. Technically I have until next Tuesday to get the stuff turned in, but I felt like making their jobs easier and turning in stuff so they could grade it over the weekend. Anyway, I couldn't find one of the teachers, so I put my hw in her almost completely full mail box. I kind of doubt that she'll even find it. ;-)

I know I've already warned you all to avoid AP history..well...yes, it's true, but at least Mrs. Mac (despite her love of crushing us with excessive hw) tries to make it interesting. Yesterday Mrs. Leckleider (sp?) , one of the math teachers, held a Japanese tea ceremony in class (she's a missionary to Japan). It was really fascinating! I have no idea how they sit on their ankles for hours at a time. It's pretty painful, so we cheated and crossed our legs about half-way through the class.

I have to go now, I've got a lot to do, but I promised not to give my I won't tell you exactly what it is I'm going to do..just think along the lines of Latin hw and grammar and chemistry tests......

Oh, one more thing...I've made it through the first quarter of school! I got my report card the other day..It's really quite exciting to get a report card..esp because it was so encouraging to know that all this homework nonsense has paid off.

My results were:
Grammar 97%
Composition 95%
Literature 95%
History 89%

overall a 4.25 average...which is weird..because I thought you really couldn't go above a 4. lol It must be the AP history.. I'm kind of shocked that grammar is 97% because I think it's one of my more challenging classes. I've never liked all seems a bit pointless. I'm glad this is my last year. Also, for chemistry I don't know what my average is, but I'm sure it's going to go down after I take this test....ugh..I really don't like confusing!

Hopefully, I'll be able to post again soon. I want to make one of those video things about our trip to Pike Lake...

But goodbye for now! May your grammar grades flourish, may your history teacher assign small amounts of homework, and always remember to balance your equations!


Jonathan and Bridget said...

Way to go on the grades, especially the AP History one! I forgot about the weighted scores for AP. That's a nice bonus. Now get back to work!

Aunt Bridget

Alison said...

I think you are slipping a little on that history grade...better spend more time on the books than on FB. That was the one class that I actually really enjoyed!

On a side note, can I borrow that black and white dress that you have and wore in a pic posted on the April month blog? Not the one to the dance, but the other one - three quater length sleeves and a kind of boxy design? I would like to borrow it for Christmas Mass, unless you plan on wearing it?? I promise to ship it right back to you! :) And I am a woman of my word!

Can't wait to see you!!
love you, aunt style

Sarah said...

Why doesn't anyone ever want to borrow my clothes?

And why are you taking time to post on your blog when you have so much HW to do? Playing hookey and then claiming that you are rushing around to get your HW in to "make it easier on the prof"? Sounds a bit suspect. Get back to work!

I guess you can take the teacher out of the classroom but you can't take the teacher out of me...what the???

Did I ever tell you the story of a 20th century European history class U.Peter and I took in our last semester at FUS? Our final paper was due and I was staying up all night to finish on time. It was on Josef Stalin, I remember. Well, U.Peter turned his in on time and got a B-. I didn't finish until 3 days past the due date, had to stay up 2 nights in a row(!) (Those college days of 48 hours on no sleep was great practice for motherhood, let me tell you.) and guess what grade I got. That's right. A+. I may not sound that smart in person, but have us write papers and I can knock your socks off! Too bad that is entirely useless in my life.

In any case, the moral of the story is, even if the paper is going to be late, make it the best you can and you'll probably get a better grade for it. Ask Mommy, I think she's familiar with procrastination... ;)