Friday, September 5, 2008


I had to audition for 'Singing in the Rain' today! People auditioning for the main parts had to do a dance, a monologue, and a song. So.....since I tried out for Lina Lamont first, Kathy Selden second, and some obscure character third (now watch, after saying that, I'll probably get the obscure character ;-) ).

For my song: I could've danced all night

It really fit my voice, but I had to sing it Acapella because I couldn't find any karaoke versions in the key of B flat. It was fine. I had my friend hit the key on the piano for me, and I know I did eventually get off key, because halfway through she hit the B flat again, and I had to keep going in the key I was in, because it was so off I couldn't go down to the B flat. It would have been too noticable, but I asked a bunch of people, and none of them noticed me changing keys. Oh well. We can't all be pitch perfect.

For my dance: I did part of my library scene dance from last year, with a few new things added. Joseph came all the way from college to do the dance with me! It was so nice of him! We practiced for about 10 minutes in the parking the rain..and I was barefoot, because it's hard enough to dance in flip's even harder to do it in the rain. Yes, we were 'dancing in the rain'. ;-) The dance went ok..He almost dropped me on the full lift, because, A: I haven't been playing sports all summer and I've probably gained a few pounds, B: We're both a little rusty with our dancing, and C (probably the main reason): his shoes were slippery from outside. Dumb rain. Oh well, the rest of the dance went ok. Pretty good actually, considering we went over it for 10 minutes, and actually finished choreographing the thing during those 10 minutes.

For my monologue: I did the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet. (Y'know..the part where she says rapturously, "O Romeo, Romeo!")

In Lina Lamont's voice. ;-) I think people liked it....everyone laughed, and I got a few compliments.

So, we'll see how things turn out..I did my best. Next week we're supposed to go back. The director is going to see how people look next to each other ( I mean, we don't want a midget Don and a giant Kathy or anything like that) and have us read some lines for different parts. I hope that goes well. She said that she wants to have finished casting the mains next Friday. Keep your fingers I guess just pray to St. Genesius. :-D


Diane said...

You were awesome! I was very proud of you I always am. I'd have a hard time deciding if you should be Lina or Kathy...though I'm probably a bit biased. :)

I do wonder though...if you do get one of the leads, when are you ever going to finish Algebra I?

Annika said...

Good luck!! I have my audition on Tuesday, and were expecting a Thunder Storm lol.

Emily of the North said...

Yay!! Good luck!!

I really like the song and monologue you chose. <3 Gosh... now I have that song stuck in my head.

But it's an improvement to "I Feel Pretty" lol My audition for West Side Story is on Friday... :-P

Elie said...

Thanks everyone! Good luck, Tala and Emily on your auditions!