Well, what is new? aha! I had my first track meet on Wednesday! It was really scary. In a ..well..not the nicest part of town, 17 schools (ours was one of the smallest), long jumping against girls that were averaging 13-14ft. Scary. But, it was fun............afterwards. ;-) I cut my 400 time from 1:15 to 1:12 and got 6th place in my division, 4th place in my heat. (We think I earned 3 points for the team in the 400.) I got like 6th place in my heat on the 100, but I did cut my time from 17seconds to 15.2seconds, so it wasn't all bad. And then I upped my 10ft jump to 13 1/2 ft! I was so thrilled about the extra 3 1/2 feet that I didn't really care that I didn't jump that far in the rest of my 4 jumps. So, overall, not so bad. We have another meet on Monday. I'm already nervous. Here
is a page with the meet results. Scroll down to Boy's track and under division 2..you'll see (under team scores) Dominion-4!!!!
Then, under Girl's track and under division 2, you'll see Dominion-3!!!! So, our team only got 7 points, but that's not horrible, considering that there were only about 8 of us there.
Well, guess what else is new!! Tomorrow, I'm going with my friends, Rosa and James, and my mom, aunt Kiki, and whatever other friends they bring, to see..........THIRD DAY!!!!! They're playing with Sanctus Real at the same place that Building 429 played last time, but this time we're going prepared. We're bringing stuff to get signed, so we don't have to resort to programs. ;-)
And..then there's the very random minor fact that I straightened my hair today. I don't think I've ever straightened my hair completely, just my bangs, so......yeah, it was a nice change. ;-)
Go ahead and laugh at my self taken pictures, but someone has to take pictures of me. ;-) jk
Me with my normal hair (well, not totally normal, but I didn't do much to it..just washed it :-D) ..at a really weird angle..in black and white.

Me with straightened hair..sitting here, on the couch, before I wrote this post..note the necklace is the same in both pics. ;-)

That's all for now!! I'll be posting about the concert..sometime....in the next..year...but Latin exams are coming up, and, of course, I've forgotten half the stuff I memorized for the midterm exams. Oh, speaking of Latin exams..I took the NLE (National Latin Exam) a while ago, and got a Silver Medal, or I will be getting the medal in May, when my teacher sends it to me.
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