Saturday, April 12, 2008

Wish me luck!

Here I the 3rd track meet of the year!!! It's Saturday morning, it's cold, I'm nervous (as usual), and I'm running the 100, 800, 4x400, and the long jump. Well, actually I'm not really running the long jump. I'm jumping it, but whatever.

Did I mention the last meet's results? We ended up getting like 20 points! We lost the meet, but considering there were only like 10 of us competing.......that's pretty ok. I got 3rd in the 800, our team got 3rd in the 4x400, and I got 6th in the long jump. Hopefully we can do as well today. We'll see. I love the long jump! It's the most relaxed I am all meet. The farthest I've gotten was 13 1/2 feet, which isn't spectacular, but it doesn't really matter, because for some reason the long jump doesn't completely freak me out like...say the 800? The coach wants me to do the mile. *cough cough* Have you seen how fast the people run that? People apparently run the 4min mile, which is absurd, because that means that they sprint the whole thing. I run about a 1:11 quarter (on a good day) So..they not only run 11 seconds slower, but they do 44 seconds slower...and I'm sure I couldn't run 1:11 all the way around. That would be like..uhhh a 4:44 mile! ;-)


If I never post again, you'll know I died in the attempt of winning the 800..unless I didn't make it through the 100 and long jump.


1 comment:

Annika said...

Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even thought your probably all done with it now :) :) ): :( :)