still alive!
Actually, I don't think I ever blogged about Kerplunk. is a picture of him on the day I got him.

This. This picture was taken about 2 minutes ago.

He likes the camera, so I took a closeup.

But this post isn't supposed to be about him.
The arrival of Elena Luke's
Lord Kerplop
was purchased at Wal-mart for somewhere around $3.50 at about 9:15pm
on the 28th of April, 2008.
The arrival of Elena Luke's
Lord Kerplop
was purchased at Wal-mart for somewhere around $3.50 at about 9:15pm
on the 28th of April, 2008.
I never knew that Wal-mart sold beta fish. I went there to get a vase for a new fish and ended up actually getting the fish at the same time. I thought I better keep up with the name thing. Sadly, Sir Kerplunk and Lord Kerplop are never to meet, because Beta males don't usually get along all that well (to put it lightly). The two knights did, however, have a staring competition when I put their vases next to each other just to "see what would happen".
Here is the new fish!
And..his closeup! Isn't he such a pretty pinkish purple color? He's also somewhat reddish now. He was completely whiteishpinkishlightpurpleish when I first saw him..unfortunately Kerplunk looked similar when I got him, and now he's green and red. blech. ;-)
Here is the new fish!

This post seems awfully fishy. Hmmm...
lol ;-)
Sir Kerplunk just shines in front of that camera! lol... Please send my warmest regards to both him and the new addition Lord Kerplop. :D
I will. BTW..he's still alive!
....but I guess he could just be holding out until the 3 day warranty is up. :/
Oh..and please excuse the dirty water in Kerplunk's bowl..err vase. *sheepish grin*
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