Our family listens to K-Love. We didn't used to always listen to Christian music, but the little kids pick up things too easily and, there's a lot of junk out there, so we do now. It's kind of nice to listen to one station all the time. They are a little repetitive with their music selections, but that means that I know all the words and can sing with every song that comes on (which I like doing).
We heard about the Building 429 concert on K-Love about a month ago. The announcer said that it was in Cedarville (about 15min away), it was free, and K-Love listeners would be able to meet the band afterwards. Could it get any better? Well...........I guess it could have been someone like Third Day or the David Crowder Band, but it was free! So, we called up our 2nd set of siblings and arranged to meet at the concert on the 23rd of January.
That was yesterday. We picked up some friends from our homeschool group and drove to Cedarville. It was awesome! No..it was AWESOME! Building 429 is so much better live than they are on their cds. My favorite of their songs is 'Singing over Me'. Which..conveniently I can't put as the music for the blog, so here's a Youtube music video of it:
Actually, this is a horrible video. The sound stinks and you can't really see anything, but apparently people don't like this song as much, because I can't find it on esnips or anywhere else on youtube.
Well, after the concert we got in line to get their autographs. The only things we had for them to sign were K-Love bumper stickers and a few programs. I had left my program by my seat, so I went back to get it. As I was walking towards the doors to go back into the auditorium, the lead singer (Jason Roy) walked right in front of me. I'm not kidding..right in front of me! By the time I realized, he was past, and I didn't want to bug him, so I continued my mission. I think I'm just destined to walk by semi-famous people and not realize it until too late. I did something similar with Condoleezza Rice in Belgium. (but that's another story)
It turned out to not be all that exciting to have walked right past him..we actually talked to all 4 members of the band while they were signing our..uhh..stuff. You could tell that Aaron..something..(I can't remember his last name, and he's new to the band, so I can't find it online either) was new because he was super enthusiastic about everything, and he didn't seem to know all the songs.
The lead singer had a cold and he sounded exhausted (backstage), but he did really well on stage. You couldn't really tell he was sick.
Overall, they're a great band, and we're all glad we got to go see them!
P.S. The picture is sort of backwards somehow. That's how photo booth takes them. It's like a mirror. I promise Jesse didn't sign his name backwards. It really doesn't make a difference with the rest of the signatures though. ;-)
Bucket 429? Never heard of them...great story though. Did I ever tell you about the time I met Colin Raye? He was nice and his concert was better than his cds too. Wish I could have seen Shoebox 429 with you guys!
Yeah. I heard that he looked really old up close, and that he had a lot of make up on..or something like that. I wish you could have been there too! We'll have to find a concert to go see with you sometime. Maybe we could go see Anna Alabama together, but I doubt that the tickets will be free.
Anna Alabama? Why go see her when you could see Rachel Wyoming instead?
by the by, they are cuter in real life too.
Keeks was drooling.
That's when she wasn't break dancing to the music.
And if we were going to stoop as low as going to see Rachel Wyoming, then why wouldn't we go to see Bucky Kentucky, or maybe Gabrielle Pastel?
Oh, and I finally figured out the signatures..Michael (the guy on the left in the pic..and the drummer) has the wrong signature in this picture. The lead just HAD to write two, so I've been trying to figure them out since. It's all been changed now, but it's wrong in the picture.
And the one that's floating around in the sky is their new base player...I think I like his the best, but we don't have a picture of him yet.
I had a BLAST! It was awesome! And yes I am still drooling. You would be too. I think he was looking at me when he was singing.
Yeah. The only problem would be that you're both married. If ONLY Uncle Brian had learned how to play that guitar!
Oooo! I just love this song. I love driving and singing to this one! How awesome to have seen this band!
P.S. Are grown-ups allowed to leave comments?:)
Of course you are! I love getting comments! Most of my comments are from my aunts and my mom..which explains the joking back and forth going on above. ;-)
Yeah, I love this song too. It's got a good melody, and it's one of their songs that I can actually sing to because it's in an ok key for me. (although..I do have to switch octaves halfway through. ;-) )
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