Thursday, April 10, 2008

Funny quotes

Charlie: Did Choo Choo say that she wants to be a nun when she grows up?

Mommy: I think she did.

Charlie: Well, when I grow up I want to be a Pagan!

My friend's 7yr old brother also mentioned to his mom (while I was over at their house)..

Sebastian: Mom.

Mom: What?

Sebastian: When I get married, I want to have my shower at Toy's R Us.

This morning my mom, in desperation to stop the general fighting breaking out throughout the house, had us stand in a circle and hold hands. (Thankfully we didn't have to sing Kumbaya or anything.) Then we all had to say something we liked about each person..'s what was said about me.

Mommy: Elena is dependable..most of the time. I know she'll always do what I ask her.................eventually...

Valya: She's nice and Kind.

Nastia: She is?

*general laughter*

Nastia: Elena always smells good because she's always chewing gum.

Mommy: Which she isn't supposed to be chewing. *shoots meaningful look in my direction*

Mariana: She's nice

Jacinta: She let me sleep in her bed..once. And I got to sleep with her in Switzerland.

Charlie: When we were in that place with the ice cream store across from the beach

Mommy: Portugal?

Charlie: that place..umm..I DIDN'T have to sleep with her.


Annika said...

LOL I'm glad you didn't have to sing Kumbaya, I'd be a little freaked out if you did.

Elie said...

Yeah, me too. ;-)

Emily of the North said...

Me three. :-P

I like the first one!! XD