I have violin today, I have to make a bunch of cookies and brownies for a homeschool conference that I don't want to go to, I have to have my picture taken at track (This doesn't sound so bad, you say? Have you SEEN my tan? It's nonexistent. Why do you think I haven't posted pictures of me in my track uniform? lol jk I just threw this one in here to make the list longer.), it doesn't look like I'm going to get to go see the movie I wanted to see tonight, and I have a lot of homework to do before Latin today. Yeah...kind of a blech morning.. But then................
I looked at the windowsill in the sun room....
and I saw................

And this..

But THEN...I noticed THIS!

And last...since I'm posting pictures of what's on that windowsill..

Congratz!! lol... I love plants, but I always manage to kill them somehow. x.x
Yeah, me too. I think I'm too enthusiastic..over water them or something. Then there are the times where they go for weeks without water..I'm just an extreme kind of person. ;-)
I could take pictures of our cups of dirt because our tomatos never started..............well done.
Oooohhhhh you've got Brine Shrimp!!! I saw thousands of those in The Salt Lake, there the only things that can live there, and they shed there shells and we like floated in them, it was kinda gross but really cool!!
Don't give up, Uncle Sean! Some of our plants sprouted a few weeks after the others. Rodrigo still hasn't sprouted, but we haven't completely given up hope.
Yeah, except their water is getting really nasty, and I don't know how to clean it. We would lose them if we tried to move them to fresh water, and I don't think that putting in more water in place of the stuff that evaporated is enough. Any ideas?
Take new fresh water and just dump salt in it?
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