this post will be entirely about American Idol
and will most likely be rather long.

and will most likely be rather long.

You probably didn't know that I followed AI, did you? Or..maybe, if you happen to be related to me, and called me as soon as the show ended last night to give me the number to call, you did.
Well, yes, I do follow it. We don't have all (unless you count that one station that picks up the weirdest shows), so I wait until the next morning and watch the performances on youtube. I can either watch the eliminations the day after they happen, or find out on I'm not obsessed..seriously......ok...maybe a little.....But I promise that I didn't bother trying to vote until last night, because I really wanted David to win.
.......................David Cook that is..
I voted, but I got through alarmingly fast. Everyone is saying that Archuleta is going to win. They were both good, and I liked them both, but David Cook was one of the two that I thought would be in the final two earlier on when I first started watching. The other one was Carly. *cough* Apparently I wasn't right about that one.

I liked Jason a lot, but his last few weeks were hard to watch. They were pretty dread-ful. (Pun totally intended)

Actually, I got a few of the American Idol songs on itunes, David Archuleta, David Cook, and Jason favorite to listen to is Jason. Kind of weird, because one of the performances, Simon said that if he tuned into a radio station playing Jason singing the song, he would turn it off right away. He kept implying that the only reason that Jason was still in was because he was charming. Apparently he can be charming with his voice too. ;-)
So, backing up a little bit....My thoughts on the rest of the season...because I didn't just start watching when they got down to the last two (*cough cough*, Aunt Kiki).
Carly should have stayed a little longer.

Michael Johns should have stayed a LOT longer

And Kristy Lee Cook...I didn't really like her style, but she had a good voice.

I really liked Brooke White, and I think she left at the perfect time.

Syesha Mercado wasn't too great at the beginning, I kept wishing that she would project more..she got SO MUCH better though, and made it to the top 3. I didn't like her dancing too much, but her facial expressions and singing were great.

I guess, while I'm at it, I might as well post the pics of the other two in the top 10.

Ramielle- I honestly don't remember all that well. I think I didn't love her music, but it wasn't bad.

And Chikezie- I thought he was really cool..
Very different, that's for sure.
Last of all, the group of judges (minus the middle dude who doesn't judge..he just announces) ....blech. Very predictable.

Randy (guy on the right) can be depended on to say something to the effect of: Yo man, what's up? Y'know, it was all right for me, man, it was all right. I mean, it was a little pitchy towards the end. And y'know I just wasn't feelin it man, but it was alright. It was alright.
Or he says something like this: Man, that was d'bomb! You can sing that, you can sing anything! (and his new favorite that he stole from Paula..hard to imagine now that it was funny the first time it was used.) Man, you can sing the phonebook!
Paula usually says something like this: (contestant's name) know what....I like....about connect.........with the songs........that you sing........and I really.......feel a person.........when you sing......thank you for baring your soul to me.......
Simon either says, "You butchered that song!", "A bit forgettable for me", or "I'm going to be honest with you, that was your best performance so far."
And if you made it through this incredibly long post, I'm truly amazed. But you'll note that I didn't post about AI all season until now..and I'll probably only have one or two more posts about it until next season,'s over as of...tonight!
Well, yes, I do follow it. We don't have all (unless you count that one station that picks up the weirdest shows), so I wait until the next morning and watch the performances on youtube. I can either watch the eliminations the day after they happen, or find out on I'm not obsessed..seriously......ok...maybe a little.....But I promise that I didn't bother trying to vote until last night, because I really wanted David to win.
.......................David Cook that is..

I voted, but I got through alarmingly fast. Everyone is saying that Archuleta is going to win. They were both good, and I liked them both, but David Cook was one of the two that I thought would be in the final two earlier on when I first started watching. The other one was Carly. *cough* Apparently I wasn't right about that one.

I liked Jason a lot, but his last few weeks were hard to watch. They were pretty dread-ful. (Pun totally intended)

Actually, I got a few of the American Idol songs on itunes, David Archuleta, David Cook, and Jason favorite to listen to is Jason. Kind of weird, because one of the performances, Simon said that if he tuned into a radio station playing Jason singing the song, he would turn it off right away. He kept implying that the only reason that Jason was still in was because he was charming. Apparently he can be charming with his voice too. ;-)
So, backing up a little bit....My thoughts on the rest of the season...because I didn't just start watching when they got down to the last two (*cough cough*, Aunt Kiki).
Carly should have stayed a little longer.

Michael Johns should have stayed a LOT longer

And Kristy Lee Cook...I didn't really like her style, but she had a good voice.

I really liked Brooke White, and I think she left at the perfect time.

Syesha Mercado wasn't too great at the beginning, I kept wishing that she would project more..she got SO MUCH better though, and made it to the top 3. I didn't like her dancing too much, but her facial expressions and singing were great.

I guess, while I'm at it, I might as well post the pics of the other two in the top 10.

Ramielle- I honestly don't remember all that well. I think I didn't love her music, but it wasn't bad.

And Chikezie- I thought he was really cool..
Very different, that's for sure.
Last of all, the group of judges (minus the middle dude who doesn't judge..he just announces) ....blech. Very predictable.

Randy (guy on the right) can be depended on to say something to the effect of: Yo man, what's up? Y'know, it was all right for me, man, it was all right. I mean, it was a little pitchy towards the end. And y'know I just wasn't feelin it man, but it was alright. It was alright.
Or he says something like this: Man, that was d'bomb! You can sing that, you can sing anything! (and his new favorite that he stole from Paula..hard to imagine now that it was funny the first time it was used.) Man, you can sing the phonebook!
Paula usually says something like this: (contestant's name) know what....I like....about connect.........with the songs........that you sing........and I really.......feel a person.........when you sing......thank you for baring your soul to me.......
Simon either says, "You butchered that song!", "A bit forgettable for me", or "I'm going to be honest with you, that was your best performance so far."
And if you made it through this incredibly long post, I'm truly amazed. But you'll note that I didn't post about AI all season until now..and I'll probably only have one or two more posts about it until next season,'s over as of...tonight!
Did we call it or what?
You rock, baby.
WE should be getting a prize of some kind. I mean, WHO else gets THIS into it while watching youtube videos?
Go David Cook!
I like this post! :-P Haha... I'm a AI follower too.
I'm so happy David Cook won!! He's just so cool and I love his rock and roll style... It was kind of a surprise for me when he won though (by 12 million votes!). I thought Archie was going to win because he was pretty impressive on Tuesday...
I agree with you on Jason and Carly and Michael. I loved Jason's "Hallelujah" last night!
And the judges... eh. The only one I really like is Simon because he's always honest. Brutally honest. :-P
This is a long comment... XD
I'm thrilled David Cook won too!!! I still haven't seen last night's show. It's kind of hard to see the whole thing on Youtube, but I did end up finding all of Idol Gives Back..just today actually. Yes, I'm slightly behind. ;-)
I can't wait to see Jason's Hallelujah, that was my favorite performance of his (vocally at least).
Yeah, I do like Simon, but I think he's a little bit harsh in auditions, the way he degrades people is pretty awful.
This is another long comment. lol ;-)
That was a great post and you nailed the judges (especially Paula). We are all Cook fans in this house and thought he would win from the top 15 or something. Simon is cool but he can be redundant. As for the rest "So check it out, they are just 'ight for me dog!"
Thanks! Yeah, well..Paula isn't that hard to nail. She talks slowly enough for me to write down her words....In Latin! I can't believe I forgot dog! He uses it all the time too! I'm really glad Cook won, but I hope he doesn't get tied down by AI after this though. Simon's accent is cool, but was Michael Johns's.
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