Two of our lovely car buddies: Jeremy and Paul

Our Earrings all match! (living proof of the fabulous outfit's!)

Some new friends we made (never decide to make new friends that are sitting at the top of the bleachers..it's really awkward climbing towards them, with them staring down at you like, "what are you freaks doing?")

Besties! <3>

Betsy, Jenny, and Bethany! enjoying the retreat :)

Peter pretending to be meditating on something holy
..but secretly catching up on the sleep he didn't get last night

Rosie and Me! BFFs and future HMDs

what is life without silly pictures?
(there are at least 4 more..the kid in front of us was staring..
which made us do even sillier faces =)

Maya and Isabel!

Rosie, Me, and Jimmy
Retreat Buddies :)
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