Sunday, July 11, 2010

Steubenville 2010!

First things first..I have to start at the beginning of my travels, which would be Tuesday, July 22nd, the night I left home to stay at the Araya's house. Rosa and I then spent the next few days, shopping with her sister Isabel and our best friend Maya, watching thrilling episodes of Monk late into the night, desperately trying to get somewhat tan, and advising each other on which clothes to bring on our trip to Steubenville --this last one took quite a lot of time because there are so many different factors that add up to the finished product: fantastically fabulous outfits :D .

Somehow, in those 3 days of silliness, crazy schemes, laughter, and late night rendezvous we managed to grab the few hours of sleep we knew we'd need to survive the Steubenville conference. Since, this was my 3rd year, Rosie's 4th, and Isabel's 2nd, and because we all know how long it takes us to get into the car on time, we planned well in advance, packing our clothes the day before (or in Isabel's case, in the middle of the night before) and, on Thursday night, planning out who would shower when (it's quite a challenge for 3 girls with long hair and a tendency to dramatically increase the heating and water bill to each shower in one morning). Although, there were a few minor hitches (no breakfast *sigh*), we made it into the car and to Emmanuel on time..or..mostly on time.

From there we joined the rest of the youth group and split into various vehicles (ooh alliteration!). Rosa and I were forced into a car with our youth group buddies Jimmy and Paul and spent the entire ride either with Jimmy's feet in our faces (he claimed to be cramping from football camp) or listening to half a song before one of them would decide that that was enough of that song and change it. Thankfully, both Rosie and I are extremely low maintenance and easy going people (well ok, rosa is) and we managed to not only bear the ride, we enjoyed it. :) Actually, we all had a ton of fun and talked or sang or fooled around most of the way there.

Upon arriving *gasp* IN TIME FOR DINNER!!! (a very rare occurrence for our group), we ate. It was yummy and I saved my swiss cake rolls for a midnight snack. :)

Then we entered the field house and laughed and cried in turns as several really amazing speakers took the stage to welcome us and prepare us for adoration. Bob Rice was leading the music, and he was as awesome as ever. (when is the music there not awesome with Bob leading?)

Then Adoration.

Adoration at Steubenville Youth Conferences is pretty much the most incredible thing that will ever happen to anyone that attends. It's nothing like going to holy hour at home, in that you are not quietly, privately praying in an attempt to grow closer to God. In Steubenville, you practically shout out praises. You plead out loud, in song, tears, tongues, whatever way you can communicate most fully with God. And many people receive answers. Although you know Christ is truly present in the Eucharist at home. You know it here. When the priests process with the monstrance throughout the field house, people fall to their knees, some even fall prostrate on the floor, overcome by the power and love that pours forth from the Holy Spirit. Adoration is the climax of both Friday and Saturday night: the culmination of all the messages the speakers have been giving us in both talk sessions and prayer. For those truly open to hearing God speak to them --and for some who really aren't open, but whom he opens ;) -- adoration is the best part of the weekend. It's the core of what the entire conference is all about.

The rest of the time there is really fun too though. We've become accustomed to the meals (which are highly processed and the same every year) and manage to survive on zebra cakes and pizza, which the youth group leaders are kind enough to sometimes buy for us. Even the questionable hamburger and the chemicals-dyed-orange juice add a certain, shall we say, flavor to the weekend.

The other cool thing about the Steubenville conference is the amount of teens there that are really, truly in love with their faith, and not afraid to show it. Even the ones who are less demonstrative, open up completely in the crazy, friendly atmosphere. During the few moments of free time (mostly after adoration, before bed) little groups will run around campus, greeting other groups with a, "hey, where are you from?". It's this, along with the adoration, fantastic speakers (the ones this year were the best I've ever seen/heard), and great music that makes Steubenville so unique.

Finally, Sunday, it was time to go home. This may have been the happiest I've been on an end of retreat car ride home, but, then again, I'm not usually flying to California the next day. Jeremy, another one of our friends, who had met the group there, joined our car, and this time, the 5 of us really did just go crazy on the drive. Rosa and I have come to realize that the combination of a retreat high, practically no sleep for the past 3 days, and an excessive amount of sugar usually has a very.....interesting effect on us, but luckily, the boys didn't seem to mind and we sang veggie tales at the top of our lungs, made silly faces for the camera, and laughed until our stomachs hurt (or maybe that was the "hamburger" burning a hole in our intestines, who knows?). When it was over, we were all pretty dead, but with hugs and promises to carpool to youth group, we split up in the church parking lot, forever changed..ok corny, how about..strengthened by the weekend and ready to face life once again. :)

p.s. pictures next post :)

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