Friday, July 30, 2010

Dance at Grandpa's

I remember my dad reading Little House in the Big Woods to me when I was about 4 years old. The chapter in it that shares the title of this post was one of my favorites. It tells the story of how, in the middle of the winter, Pa, Ma, Mary, Laura, and Baby Carrie bundle into the wagon and drive to Grandpa and Grandma's house. All the family is gathered there and there is fiddle music (from Pa of course), dancing, lots of good food, and fun times with all the extended family. It sounded a lot like some of our family gatherings (both my parents have huge families), but we don't usually dance. Well, this sunday, for the 3rd time in the last 8 years, my grandparents (and this time, my uncle Steve and aunt Carissa, who now live in my grandparents' old house) hosted a hoe down (i have no idea how to spell that..or what it even means) for all the family who could make it. Almost all the aunts and uncles were here and lots of other California family. We ate way to much, swam in the pool, made new friends, and danced until our feet were sore ( legs were killing me that night). My grandpa found a square dance caller who was willing to put up with the chaos of the 30some kids here, plus the adults that are somwhat...directionally challenged. ;) It was so much fun! Everyone danced with everyone else and no one was ever without a partner for long. One of the good things about the Luke family is that there is a fairly even number of guy and girl cousins, so dancing is made easy and only a few girls had to dance the guy parts. The whole evening was full of silliness, laughter, and family...overall, the best combination of fun. :D

Jesse got a reaallly interesting tan *cough* burn..

and daddy likes to pick at the leftovers before the party even ends ;)

Uncle Steve is too cool for the pool..or anything else for that matter

Braxton: one of my other california cousins and the most interesting,
if not best, dance partner I had haha ..i never knew you could move your hips while square dancing ;)

Aunt Carissa and her family (minus uncle steve..who's still being cool at this point):
the hostess of all our family reunion activities and one of the most amazing, fun, hard-working, loving ladies I know :)

Watch out! More posts to come!! :D


Diane said...

LOVE this, Elena! I'm so glad someone is recording the memories of our journey out west. And you do it so beautifully. <3

Diane said...

PS That first pic would be absolutely perfect if it did not showcase my scoliosis. Ever hear of cropping?