Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Yes, yes, I know that Narnia got more snow then we did, but the fact is, we did get snow! Of course, being rainy, wet, and muddy Belgium, it was very wet snow, but still!

This picture was taken at
the very beginning of our snowfall, last night. (Charlie, Mariana, Nastia, and Jacinta in the front) Notice the lack of snow.

Then, an hour or two later...

(Doesn't this shot remind you of Narnia? Hint-the lamppost..the snow...)

We were even visited by 'breath' taking spirits of trees.
Amazing aren't they?

Then, this morning, while walking home from building snow forts in the park, I noticed that the snow was melting. You could even hear the dripping sound! I heard birds twittering and chirping as things thawed out a little bit.
Now, we have basically no snow, but doesn't this whole experience remind you a little bit of Narnia?

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