Yesterday was the day to earn our track uniforms. There were different requirements for the different levels and distances. There's a lot of confusion about exactly
what I am. I started the season as a distance runner. Then the coach told me I could run anything I wanted. Then we had time trials for 400, 200, 800, and 100. After that, he told me I would be mostly doing 400's and 200's. That officially makes me a sprinter. BUT, for some strange reason, I'm still running with the distance runners. It's weird. So, as a distance high school runner...I
had to run 3 miles non-stop to earn my uniform/jersey/skimpy black halfseethrough outfit (although..it's not as see-through as it looks). The coach said that he would appreciate it if we ran 4 miles. Which, in my case, is pretty much like daring me to run 4 and threatening me with instant death if I don't do it. If he
wanted us to run 4..then I would be running 4. I ran the whole entire way with Sarah, a friend on the track team. It turns out that she has
way more endurance than I do. ;-) At about 4 1/2 miles we decided that we would try to run 5 miles..and then, as we finished the 5th mile, we decided to run another quarter with another friend Laura, who was one lap behind us. You can probably guess that we ran the full 6 miles. Actually, Sarah ran 6 1/2. She probably would have kept going, but the coach made her stop so we could end practice. : ) Anyways..I've only ever ran 3 miles at a time, so I'm pretty thrilled, and here is my jersey/uniform/whatever. It says Dominion Academy (and it's backwards because I took it with the webcam). And my number is 107. YAY!! An odd number! Wahoo!!!! Yes, I'm just odd like that. The first meet is the first week of April. I'm a little nervous!
Oh, and here's a quote from Charlie..last night after he went to the bathroom while we were saying night prayers.
Mommy: Charlie, it was not respectful to go to the bathroom in the middle of prayers.
Charlie (totally unfazed by my mom's guilt trip) : But it
is respectful to wash your hands afterwards.
Coolness! Congrats!!!! :-D
Thanks!! Why didn't you leave you original comment up? I ended up seeing it because it came to my email. ;-D lol
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