Trust is ironic too. When one's trust in another falters, it is likely that the other will lose trust in return. If you promise to trust even in hard times and as soon as they come, lose your trust, was it trust at all? It's a mutual bond connecting two people and if one person finds fault in it, the bond is hurt for both people.
Trust, for some, requires great effort to maintain, for others it comes as naturally as walking. Jesus, when he said that we must become like a little child to enter the kingdom of God, meant that we must trust him blindly like a child, for, like a child with its parents, we have no choice. He is our only means of safety and our only sure way to happiness. If we try to trust those we love it will gradually become more and more easy to do and improve our friendships, with those around us and also with God.
Trust is tricky and elusive, but, once caught, it brightens life and sheds beautiful light on what before was covered over in doubt and darkness.
"We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy." ~Walter Anderson
1 comment:
Beautiful thoughts, E. Tell me, what sparked them?
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