Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Blog Revival

After over a year of not posting I randomly decided to revive this blog, touch it up, rename it, and try to get it going again. I have no idea what sparked this sudden revival, but I guess I'll just enjoy it while it lasts and see how long that is.

So many things have changed since December of 2008 (the last time I posted) that I won't even try to fill you in, but we'll just start from right now in my life -- the middle of my junior year-- actually, the middle of the rhetoric essay that I've been avoiding while fixing up the blog, but which I need to go finish now, lest I invoke the wrath of my rhetoric teacher, who is actually the same Mrs. Mac of last year's history class (one of the best teachers I've ever known).

So, welcome back :) I hope to be posting more sometime soon.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Welcome back from your biggest fan! The new look is beautiful, and I'm glad to see you writing here again...but I'm not sure you need another excuse to procrastinate from your schoolwork. At least this will be a somewhat productive and creative one.

Funny...I've actually been contemplating the revival of my own blog. After Easter, of course. :)

And who is the other best teacher you've ever had? Okay, the term teacher is a stretch (and I know you'll say Aunt Sarah anyway), so who is the best facilitator of your education that you've ever had? Best mother you've ever had?