Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My Love/Hate Relationship With Track

Well, it's that time of year again...for track training.

Now, let's get one thing straight, right up front: I hate running but love being in shape. (I also love winning, but that is hardly a big enough reason to run track.)

My track career began freshman year. I was thrilled to be trying a new sport, especially one that involved the only aspect of other sports that I was any good at: running. I soon discovered, however, that running against other people that actually trained to run was a lot more stressful and painful than I had expected. While, in basketball, I could sometimes manage to outsprint other players on fast breaks and, in soccer, I could keep up enough endurance to make a decent mid-fielder, but track was different. I had to push myself to run much faster and much longer than I was used to in order to do well against other competitors in a race.

One thing I did not learn freshman year...well, actually, I did learn it, but chose to ignore it, (much to my detriment) was that, to be a good runner, you actually have to work hard. Really hard..and not just at the meets themselves but every single day of the season. Like I said, I chose to ignore that fact all through freshman year, and my final meet had me huffing and puffing (and crying, my mother likes to teasingly remind me) as I desperately scraped a 6th place ribbon in the 800m.

The pain and shame of that last race were probably the sole reason I decided to quit track. least, for the next two years, but, as people (particularly guys who are annoyed with my persistant efforts to beat them in one thing or another) like to point out, I am extremely competitive. In fact, I'm not sure it's healthy to be as competitive as I am, but anyway, as soon as my best friend Laura beat my PR (personal record) in the 800, I had to give track another try.

So, senior year had me back on the track, this time training like a madwoman to beat the new Dominion Academy 800m record. I was terrified of the thought that Laura might beat me in a race and I relentlessly trained, even traveling down to Kentucky with Laura for a week of two-a-day training sessions and personal instruction from her aunts who had both gone to state in track.

Long story short, I worked pretty hard last season and really did reap the rewards. I was stronger, faster, and healthier than ever before.....But still, every meet had me stressing about the next race and, whether or not my nerves helped me race well, they certainly made me remember why I quit track. I guess I'm just bi-polar when it comes to track. I can't seem to decide if I love it or hate it, whether the benefits outweigh the sacrifice..

But, here I am, beginning my training for the track season at Franciscan. Yes, I'm running intercollegiate track. My mother thinks I've lost my mind. Maybe I have. I know that I'm going to have to train harder than last season in order to even get personal records, let alone prove competition enough to place well, but something in me won't let the sport go. God has given me a small measure of talent but a large amount of determination. What can I do but give my best to His glory?

.....and really, this whole post was a big stalling tactic because I don't want to go outside and run in the rain.

..but it's still raining. I better get out and run.

But at least maybe you all understand my track complex now.


sarah said...

haha i love that you do it just to beat other people, Elena. ;)
I enjoyed your stalling tactic.

Elie said...

isn't it sad? hehe oh well, there are benefits to being competitive, i long as you don't let it run away with you. :)

Nate Baldwin said...

I like running too, but sometimes it can be a pain. At the seminary I run 3 miles 5 days a week with a group of other seminarians. its easier to stay committed when you r running with other ppl. Now that I'm on break though ive kinda gotten lazy...I've never run on a track team before. Good luck and stay motivated! :)

Liz said...

Crazy women.

Unknown said...

Haha Elena you know I've wanted to run track my entire highschool but never have:) I think I would've liked it, but that is the part I don't like. I'm glad and sad for you that you decided to quit- it's great to do, but if you don't actually really love the training part, it's probably better to focus on what you really do love:) but anyway that post made me laugh. :)

Unknown said...

Những bài hát nhạc chuông Hàn Quốc hot nhất bất hủ mọi thời đại. Từ khi những bộ phim Hàn Quốc được xuất hiện và rất được yêu thích ở Việt Nam và khi mời Internet đã trở nên phổ biến rộng rãi thì nhạc Hàn Quôc, nhạc Kpop không còn xa lạ với các bạn Việt Nam đặc biệt là giới trẻ. Có rất nhiều bàn hát Hàn Quốc hay đã trở nên bất hủ được nhiều người nghe và yêu thích. Trong bài viết này sẽ tổng hợp những bài hát nhac chuong Han Quoc hot nhat từ trước tới nay.