Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Camp Death (arrival)

Well, I seem to have lost my mind and allowed my friend Laura (basketball best friend, and the person who harrassed me into doing track again) to convince me to spend my entire Spring Break in Louisville, Kentucky, intensely training for the upcoming track season.

We'll be spending the week at Laura's Aunt Pam's house, learning from her wealth of track/physical training experience (she went to state for sprints!).

So far, we're settled comfortably into the basement, my new laptop (yay!) is set up and working, and Laura is snoring on a nearby air mattress. I got the chaise lounge. :)

That's about all for now, because we're apparently getting up at 6:30 for our first workout. yippee........

And this is why we call it..

Camp Death

1 comment:

Diane said...

Glad to see you got the laptop working without my help. ;) How do you like it?

I'm also glad to see you writing here. I love to read your thoughts in black and blue.

Good luck this week. No pain, no gain. Have fun with the ninja.