Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmassy goings on

Celebrating with family: Aunt Kiki's on Christmas, Aunt Missy's this week :)
Having fun with my aunts and uncles and learning to play Euchre
Reading because I'm on break: The Zion Chronicles and Mansfield Park (Good books!)
Industriously working on a senior project that involves lots of writing and music
Singing with a few of my favorite artists: Relient K, Tenth Avenue North, Michael Buble, JJ Heller
Trying to remember the reason for the season and appreciate the many good things in my life
Memories with Rosa: watching the Tourist, Tim Hortons, and boys with large Adam's apples ;)
Acceptance letter to Steubenville and scholarship ;) yay!
Salvation and Joy: two Christmas words that should be pondered

1 comment:

kiki said...

I must admit I never checked out your blog before today. I should have! Very sweet and beautiful. I love the pics! Your the best Elena. Keep blogging when in Steubenville so I can feel close to you. I love You! Aunt Kiki