The curtain opened, the lights came on.
The chorus suddenly broke into song.
I knew that the time was finally here;
The time that'd been coming for almost a year.
That's when I was taken by great surprise.
I remembered my lines! And not just a few,
But out of my mouth ALL my lines did spew.
It suddenly came to my recollection,
that acting on stage is like a confection.
You need the ingredients, yes, every one,
for your masterpiece to be perfectly wonderfully done.
So, I not only managed to say all my lines,
But I added I added acting and little hand signs.
The crowd was enthralled, and they waited for more.
So I sang a song, to the roof my voice soared.
I was finished, my masterpiece now was complete.
The audience roared as they leapt to their feet.
I curtsied and bowed as they cheered and they clapped.
And from the stage I went, my energy sapped.
The papers, they gave it a lovely review.
My family and friends said they all loved it too.
So, when everything that needs to be is all said and done
I'm glad that I did it. Acting is fun.
This is just something I wrote for bravewriter this fall.
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