I made this for Latin class last fall. I never actually got it on youtube in time for the class and sent it to the teacher on cd. But now that it's summer and I have more time to waste......
The sound isn't all that great..but I did FINALLY get on the internet!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Some Music Man Rehearsal pics
Here are some pics from the Music Man dress rehearsals..the 1st one of 3 I think. ;-)
Harold Hill and Elizabeth doing their foot dance during 76 trombones
Trouble!!! I'm the 2nd from the left with the pink bow.
More Trouble..
The end of the Shipoopi dance. Tommy and I
Waiting to act.. (I'm on the far right)
The boy's dance at the end of the Shipoopi
More pictures of the actual performance to follow!! (hopefully)
More pictures of the actual performance to follow!! (hopefully)
Fruits of Labor..sorta

My friend Mary (aka the other Marian) gave a bunch of us balloons, which was really sweet!
Thanks to everyone who came to the play!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Happy Father's Day!

Make video montages at www.OneTrueMedia.com
Happy Father's Day, Daddy! Mommy came up with the idea and I made the video.
Love, Elena
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Yip Yip Yippeeeeeeee!!!
I just finished my Science exam!!!! (literally like 30sec ago) It took exactly 1 hour, 39 minutes, and 20.21 seconds (but I wouldn't have been counting the seconds down until it was over if I hadn't had a 2 hour time limit) WAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!! SCHOOL is OUTTTTTT!!!!!!!
.......................Ok, except for Religion, History, Health, and Math which I have to finish over the summer, but we all know that those are EASY subjects..and they don't have exams! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!
The Lit exam yesterday was ok, actually it was pretty decent as far as exams go. No full essays! Just 10 short ones, but they didn't require a ton of research, because he gave us passages from random works similar to the ones we'd read this year (but not from stuff we had read), and we had to try to figure out what it was from..approx..that was kind of fun. WAY more fun than all the research I did for my Science essays! Ok..actually I put off all studying for the Science essay until about ummmm *steels self for shocked outcry of shock from mother when she reads this* about 9pm last night. Yup...9pm..and I took it 25 hours later..at 10pm tonight. If I get an A, I think that I should have some kind of a record for the craziest amount of time cramming ever! Because it wasn't like I was studying all of those 25 hours... I went to Aunt Kiki's and went swimming for a few hours..not to mention sleeping last night (well..most of last night...) I really need to work on my study technique.
It went something like this: Find out there's going to be an exam about 3 weeks before I get it by email. Put it out of my head for 3 weeks. Get the exam by email with a weeks time limit to complete it in approx. 1 1/2 -2 1/2 hours (depending on the exam). Put of studying....put of studying some more....put off stu....WAIT!!! It's the DAY before the exam!!! EEEGADDDSS!!!! Grab the laptop and frantically think about making a study plan. Take a break to eat and come back..get distracted by something and spend about an hour doing something other that studying. At midnight the night before the deadline day for the exam, break down in tears and sob out my woes, apologize, and promise to reform my sinful studying ways to a somewhat sympathetic mother who listens, remonstrates, spends a few minutes criticizing the class, then calmly takes the computer to check the email while I pull my hair out, desperately trying to think of a way to write the essay plan I was supposed to write weeks ago. She then tells me that I'm not going to Aunt Kiki's tomorrow and that I'm going to go to bed right now, study all day tomorrow, and do my best on the test tomorrow night. Pull myself together, close the laptop, go to sleep and dream of textbooks chasing me around a calendar marked with exam deadlines (ok... so the dream part was made up...but it totally fit). Wake up with the resolve to go to Aunt Kiki's. Frantically grab the laptop, hurriedly finish the last of the Science study outlines, send them to the other computer, print them out, paperclip them together and grab a Science encyclopedia. Announce that I'm going to Aunt Kiki's. Memorize the timeline on the hour drive there. Get there, eat lunch, go swimming, guiltily get out the history part of the exam study outline, memorize the people and their accomplishments. On the drive home, go through about a third of the actual Science stuff I was supposed to study. Memorize my essay outlines and the main points in them very very fast. Take the exam at 10pm. Finish it half an hour earlier than I needed to. And yeah..that's how this exam went. I doubt I'll be proud enough of the results to post them, but we'll see. ;-)
I don't recommend this way of studying..it's hard on the nerves.
And yes, most of my exams do go like this. :-O
.......................Ok, except for Religion, History, Health, and Math which I have to finish over the summer, but we all know that those are EASY subjects..and they don't have exams! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!
The Lit exam yesterday was ok, actually it was pretty decent as far as exams go. No full essays! Just 10 short ones, but they didn't require a ton of research, because he gave us passages from random works similar to the ones we'd read this year (but not from stuff we had read), and we had to try to figure out what it was from..approx..that was kind of fun. WAY more fun than all the research I did for my Science essays! Ok..actually I put off all studying for the Science essay until about ummmm *steels self for shocked outcry of shock from mother when she reads this* about 9pm last night. Yup...9pm..and I took it 25 hours later..at 10pm tonight. If I get an A, I think that I should have some kind of a record for the craziest amount of time cramming ever! Because it wasn't like I was studying all of those 25 hours... I went to Aunt Kiki's and went swimming for a few hours..not to mention sleeping last night (well..most of last night...) I really need to work on my study technique.
It went something like this: Find out there's going to be an exam about 3 weeks before I get it by email. Put it out of my head for 3 weeks. Get the exam by email with a weeks time limit to complete it in approx. 1 1/2 -2 1/2 hours (depending on the exam). Put of studying....put of studying some more....put off stu....WAIT!!! It's the DAY before the exam!!! EEEGADDDSS!!!! Grab the laptop and frantically think about making a study plan. Take a break to eat and come back..get distracted by something and spend about an hour doing something other that studying. At midnight the night before the deadline day for the exam, break down in tears and sob out my woes, apologize, and promise to reform my sinful studying ways to a somewhat sympathetic mother who listens, remonstrates, spends a few minutes criticizing the class, then calmly takes the computer to check the email while I pull my hair out, desperately trying to think of a way to write the essay plan I was supposed to write weeks ago. She then tells me that I'm not going to Aunt Kiki's tomorrow and that I'm going to go to bed right now, study all day tomorrow, and do my best on the test tomorrow night. Pull myself together, close the laptop, go to sleep and dream of textbooks chasing me around a calendar marked with exam deadlines (ok... so the dream part was made up...but it totally fit). Wake up with the resolve to go to Aunt Kiki's. Frantically grab the laptop, hurriedly finish the last of the Science study outlines, send them to the other computer, print them out, paperclip them together and grab a Science encyclopedia. Announce that I'm going to Aunt Kiki's. Memorize the timeline on the hour drive there. Get there, eat lunch, go swimming, guiltily get out the history part of the exam study outline, memorize the people and their accomplishments. On the drive home, go through about a third of the actual Science stuff I was supposed to study. Memorize my essay outlines and the main points in them very very fast. Take the exam at 10pm. Finish it half an hour earlier than I needed to. And yeah..that's how this exam went. I doubt I'll be proud enough of the results to post them, but we'll see. ;-)
I don't recommend this way of studying..it's hard on the nerves.
And yes, most of my exams do go like this. :-O
Monday, June 9, 2008
My feelings exactly!
Ok..so I'm just doing a Lit final tomorrow morning, but I feel just about as great as this guy does!
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